Example sentences of "we [modal v] like " in BNC.

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1 As a general rule , whatever we may like to think , the less wealth generated by an animal as an individual the less attention is paid to its welfare , such as Merino sheep in Australia and Angora goats in South Africa existing only to produce wool ; the individual battery hen in Britain , too , has very little cash value , and therefore very little attention is paid to her welfare .
2 We may like or dislike different activities with particularly strong feelings involved .
3 The truth is , surely , that we can form no reasonable conception of anything called education existing on its own with the kind of value we may like to ascribe to education in the real world .
4 We may like to think that such changes enable the organisation to be more efficient and effective in achieving its goals and yet it may well be that such changes arise as a result of trying to satisfy an individual 's political ambitions or to undercut the ambitions of a rival .
5 I 'm conscious of the time , and we may like to have a break for tea , but there are also three people who wish to contribute to the discussion .
6 He had found that even in Britain , where officials tended to be dismissive of the idea of a plan , people from private industry were receptive when he explained the Netherlands ' plan at a meeting : ‘ They said , ‘ Yes , we should like such a plan because it reduces our uncertainty .
7 Of course we should like to find room for everyone , but we just have n't the places .
8 Q : We should like to spend a holiday touring Scotland but , as neither of us drives , we are thinking of joining a coach tour .
9 We should like to know more about how participation was achieved in these projects and what was the nature of the tasks involved .
10 The terms and conditions we should like to agree are :
11 It is easy to blame the pressure of daily life and the stress it causes for the fact that we do not feel as well as we should like — and , indeed , in many cases an excess of stress and tension may be the cause .
12 We should like to ask for your co-operation in the BMRC Businessman Survey .
13 We should like to see the officer in charge here , ’ said Epitot firmly .
14 Yes , please ’ — to the hovering waitress — ‘ we should like to have our bill . ’
15 So we should like to see an authoritative source of comparative APRs : both typical rates and the extremes of the range of rates , for different types of credit and ( where this makes a significant difference ) different types of purchase financed by the same type of credit .
16 Indeed , we should like to see Fund for the Bank of Savings funds released to the TSBs earlier than planned , to speed this .
17 The terms and conditions we should like to agree are as follows :
18 We should like to know who wrote the book and who published it . ’
19 Dear G. E. Rald , We should like to take this opportunity to inform you that on 12th March this year you were seen entering empty handed into the private premises of Ms P. C. Edwards of Convent St. , Folkestone and leaving shortly afterwards with your hands full .
20 ‘ There are four points we should like to make .
21 Unfortunately , much as we should like to leave this out , the taxman never seems to retire !
22 We should like to call the attention of your readers , if we may , to the Forms of Prayer to be Used at Sea in the Book of Common Prayer — still the standard authorised prayer book for the Church of England , which include prayers before or during a storm and thanksgiving for safety and deliverance , as well as the very beautiful collect which begins ‘ Prevent us , O Lord , in all our doings ’ , in which the word ‘ prevent ’ is used in its original sense of ‘ go before us ’ .
23 ( iii ) At this point we should like to draw the reader 's attention to a second aspect of polynomial algebra which is sometimes badly dealt with .
24 And there is a warren here , but not as big a one as we should like .
25 We should like it to be officially proclaimed by each university that in all its examinations the quality of the English written or spoken by candidates , especially its lucidity and its fitness to the subject , will carry great weight with examiners .
26 One interesting section of the new Thorikos text is the reference at the end , just before the stone breaks off ( as so often with Greek inscriptions , at the most interesting point ) to elections at deme level , something we should like to know more about ( p. 119 ) .
27 We should like to know how much of this kind of thing was discussed openly on the Pnyx by the Assembly , and how much or how little communication between generals was centrally re-routed from the strategeion , the generals ' office , in the agora .
28 ‘ If you do n't mind we should like to take another look at the upstairs rooms . ’
29 Since any argument that is not purely academic is about how the future is to happen then there is much room for subjectivity , both about how we think the future will happen and about how we should like it to happen .
30 The question we should like to be able to answer is , therefore , what suddenly created such a new , unheard of , situation in the religious life of antiquity .
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