Example sentences of "we [modal v] make " in BNC.

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1 Whatever we may make of this , it is interesting to observe that Professor Hartman of New York has established a link between those who suffer from this nocturnal disposition and a high level of creativity .
2 Whatever we may make of its influences , Leonard is clear that he ‘ never recovered ’ from its dénouements ; its ‘ illumination of human behaviour ’ ; its horror ( which he termed ‘ metaphorical ’ ) .
3 Whatever we may make of Leonard 's Judaism , he is a man seized by its traditions , its scriptures and their imagery .
4 No cause of death is given , but we may make an informed guess , for all that , that a man whose elder brother had been carried off by consumption was himself the victim of that ‘ white plague ’ which accounted for one-third of all deaths in the early years of the 19th century .
5 Only His standards of purity and righteousness can exalt a nation , and we pray that we may make these paramount everywhere .
6 If we drop a tin can probably nothing will happen ; at the worst we may make a small dent .
7 If we cling to an outmoded view of neighbouring , peering at it through deeply rose-tinted spectacles , we may make false assumptions about what is actually available to old people , or ought to be available .
8 While recognising that conflict is something we bring to a relationship and is not inherent in the substance of the relationship itself , the circumstances of those relationships can nonetheless bring enormous pressure to bear on the responses we may make .
9 At this point it is likely that we may make a second mistake and go for a purely positivist view of law , the view that the nature of law can be appreciated purely by reciting the elements of positing and applying law without reference to its objectives or functions , so that we have a legal system as long as there are institutionalised ways of selecting mandatory rules and some arrangement for an authoritative application of those rules to particular situations .
10 Without even knowing it , we may make assumptions about them based on the fact that they 're called Charles rather than Kevin .
11 Whatever the truth , it is to be allowed that in speaking of them as effects in the ordinary way , to the extent we do , we may make use of a conception other than the one we have been examining .
12 We may make an easy start with the short circuit and a bit more , but do we not then have to include in the circumstance the absence of a burst in a water pipe at the right moment ?
13 Elements other than in the uth , vth columns and rows are unaltered from those in A ; at the intersections of the uth , vth columns an rows the new elements are given by ( 3 ) ( with Buv = 0 ) , while the remaining elements Biu , Biv in the uth , vth columns and rows are unc We may make two deductions .
14 The other reason is that there are at least some rules for judging advertisements , but most of these are based firmly in the objectives which the ads are trying to achieve : if we do not know what the objectives are , any judgement we may make is without a real foundation .
15 We know he had a family — six of them have already been mentioned — but not whether they went on holiday nor where ; although here we may make an important cultural assumption : if we assume it as a norm that families go on holiday , a fact of life as inevitable as having a father , we might divide it into Given New The family spent holidays in a lakeside hunting lodge in Michigan , near Indian settlements .
16 For our pay rounds we now create APL programs to model the types of offers we may make to enable us to assess the costs and effectiveness of different strategies ( as in figure 13 ) .
17 For example , taking the October calls and puts we may make the following division between intrinsic and time values :
18 We may make a trip to Glen Nevis next month .
19 Exactly , we may make it the performance evaluation and the documentation attached to it that provides you your training record .
20 We should make no mistake about the political nature of these developments , but a horrified throwing in of the towel is no response on the part of those who would manage the service in the interests of pupils .
21 The best publicity does n't come from banging a big drum but from personal recommendation , though when schools do something worthwhile we should make sure that the public know all about it .
22 Could you please let me know where you would like the cheque sent , and to whom we should make it out ?
23 Firstly , we should make the point that crime does not have to be intentional .
24 We should make our being so open that it is like one of the old free cities — open to all eyes .
25 We should make the point that the violence we have seen on film ( from films refused a certificate , or cut before the film could be certified ) far exceeds in nastiness anything likely to be seen on television .
26 ‘ I feel we should make it our duty , ’ she said calmly , ‘ to find out as much as we can . ’
27 Perhaps there is a feeling that once more we should make a point of giving thanks for our plentiful water supply .
28 The basic constituents of food : water , proteins , carbohydrates , fats , minerals and vitamins , all play an important part in the ‘ upkeep ’ of the body and we should make very sure that our elderly relatives are not missing out on any of them in their diet .
29 ‘ They told us we should make our protest through the counties , ’ he said .
30 He spoke of the need to ‘ discern the signs of the times ’ : ‘ We should make our own Jesus ’ advice that we should know how to discern ‘ the signs of the times ’ ( Matthew 16.4 ) , and we seem to see now , in the midst of so much darkness , a few hints which augur well for the fate of the Church and humanity' ( Abbott , p. 704 ) .
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