Example sentences of "she offered no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 As she had pledged that she was innocent , she offered no account as to why she allegedly hated her husband .
2 The daughter of James Harris [ q.v. ] later claimed that a ‘ great part ’ of it was written by him , but she offered no evidence .
3 Halfway round the ring when he asked for little more collection she offered no resistance and they moved as one into an easy working trot rising .
4 The kiss went on forever , and she offered no resistance as he swung her up into his arms and dropped her gently on the bed , coming down with her .
5 Taken by surprise , she offered no resistance when he strode over and , clasping her in his arms , kissed her firmly on the lips .
6 He was charming and witty , but , although Caroline was polite , she offered no encouragement .
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