Example sentences of "she reached the " in BNC.

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1 Long before she reached the place , the car was stopped by the military .
2 The yellow steps rose in steep flights but now it was clear that when she reached the top she would also be at the bottom , starting out .
3 She reached the cliff and scrambled down the steps to the beach .
4 Sara 's legs were trembling with exhaustion by the time she reached the stables .
5 When she reached the apartment she tried to write , but sounds of crying children and raised voices came through the ceiling and walls .
6 At the age of 29 , Durie must be wondering how much longer she has left to get hooked on that habit which she toyed with briefly six years ago when she reached the lofty heights of the world 's top five .
7 But when she reached the vicinity of her garden she was seized with a sudden embarrassment .
8 By the time she reached the bottom the dragon had vanished , but this , far from mattering , only added to her amusement .
9 Using a heavy Tesco bag to help batter her way through the TV crews and a gaggle of amused onlookers , she reached the National Westminster Bank just after water privatisation 's witching hour of 10am .
10 As she ran along the track to the road , she had an eerie sense that she was acting out something she had done before , but she could not pin it down until she reached the road and turned right , towards the village .
11 Marie turned back to look at Bella as she reached the door .
12 Mungo asked , as she reached the stairs .
13 By the time she reached the shorter flight of stairs on the half-landing , Frankie had retreated all the way to his room and closed the door behind him , leaving only the smallest gap through which he peered with one eye .
14 He heard the bolt slide from the attic door , then her tread on the stairs and the muffle of voices as she reached the upper room .
15 By the time she reached the gate at the top of the yard , he was striding dutifully at his mother 's heels .
16 Writing to Ellen , never her most sympathetic correspondent , was dreary work since all she could think of were frantic pleas to tell her of Oreste and she grew tired of begging long before she reached the end of the first sheet .
17 Concentrating on keeping her gift level and unsquashed she climbed the Casa Guidi stairs carefully , glad when she reached the last bend .
18 When she reached the front , Maggie stared out to sea .
19 Catherine climbed worn wooden stairs , up five flights in all , until she reached the attic storey .
20 At length she reached the end of the stitches and looked with bright interest at her companion .
21 When she reached the main road she did n't know which direction to take , but seeing two men accompanied by two women she hurried to them and said , ‘ Would you , please direct me to the cab rank ? ’
22 As soon as she reached the open deer-park she ran , and she hardly paused until she came to the broad track that sloped down to the marsh , smiling and vivid green in the late afternoon sunshine .
23 Quick of eye and sure of foot , she reached the other side safely .
24 Her frock was already soaked , but she paid no heed to that , because she could see she would certainly get wet from feet to head before she reached the farther bank .
25 Twice before she reached the opposite bank Jenny missed her footing and plunged -chest-deep into the river , but each time she was able , to grasp the slippery stepping-stone and slowly haul herself up on to it .
26 Then , just as she reached the edge of the road , Miss Clinton flashed by .
27 She reached the junction of the lane with the main road , and there she waited , because she was not allowed to go on the main road with her cycle .
28 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
29 She ran through the woods and only stopped when she reached the fence between the woods and the Botanical Gardens , which spread for a great distance along one side .
30 She was still puzzling over this problem when she reached the General Post Office .
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