Example sentences of "she sometimes [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not Pompeian red , as she sometimes points out : it is less blue , slightly more flame , more orange coloured .
2 She gulped down the Martini offered to her and sat down on the sofa by Penelope , who edged away into her corner , recognising in Robina Fairfax 's shapeless grey woollen dress and strings of painted wooden beads the kind of woman she sometimes met at her landlady 's ‘ evenings ’ .
3 ( She sometimes gets it wrong , as she did when awarding Cesar Milstein a Nobel prize for ‘ cloning ’ something . )
4 MO Mowlam ( recreations : travelling , swimming , jogging , jigsaws , watching football ) has been explaining how she sometimes gets by during the campaign on just two hours sleep a night .
5 The days passed happily enough but at night , in the tiny cabin she shared with Anna , she sometimes lay awake and thought of her cousins , down below in that hell-hole .
6 I think she sometimes falls to the temptation of disarming critics .
7 Her words were written down by recorders , whom she sometimes exhorted to write faster to keep pace with her .
8 Gay understood , because she sometimes had it herself , but Felicity had only looked bewildered .
9 This arrangement was kept going very nicely by her daughter ( who had a real affection for her ) reminding her occasionally that although she sometimes had to cut their conversations short , she never cut her out of her thoughts when she put the phone down .
10 But Kay has admitted ( in her charming Ivy and Stevie ) that she sometimes had difficulty in deciphering her notes , and that Ivy was often mysterious and contradictious .
11 She sometimes had dinner with Sir Thomas Fairfax , who tonight is having dinner with Lady De Marr .
12 To the left , opposite the reception desk , in the parlour with the rubber plant and the lace half-curtains , where she sometimes had her breakfast ( if she was up before ten when Madame stopped serving it ) , she saw her grandfather , Sir Anthony Everard , erect against the window , with her young aunt his daughter beside him , Xanthe Everard , Miranda 's nursery playmate .
13 Except for occasional — rare — meals at a nearby restaurant , they never went out , sending out for meals when they did n't feel like cooking , while Luke no longer even accompanied her to the various work-connected functions she sometimes had to attend at weekends , dealing with business matters of his own or else remaining at the apartment while she was out .
14 ‘ There 's the Humming Bird , ’ said Ianthe , naming the cafe where she sometimes had lunch .
15 Hilda felt he was a stranger , someone she had only just met , a feeling she sometimes had when he met up with friends he 'd known before they got married .
16 She sometimes had given him the spare front door key but he denied having had the key on the day of her death .
17 She was now divorced , and she sometimes regretted not finishing her training .
18 She had a vision of him sometimes , struggling for breath beneath the crassness of her impulses , in the same way that she sometimes imagined her fattening body to be asphyxiating his small fine frame in bed .
19 Blanche wanted her reward , her confirmation that the world was not as unjust as she sometimes imagined .
20 She sometimes lights him into a new kind of relationship .
21 He was the owner and shipmaster of the Russell , and when he was n't off at sea ( which was usually ) she sometimes saw him striding through the village with Mr Bryant , a gentleman from Plymouth who went on voyages as navigator with him .
22 When Nenna was not in the witness box , she sometimes saw herself getting ready for an inspection at which Edward , or Edward 's mother , or some power superior to either , gave warning that they might appear — she could only hope that it would be on a falling tide — to see where she could be found wanting .
23 She sometimes signed it over to me if she needed it urgently and had n't time to queue at the post office .
24 She said she sometimes longed to go out , to a disco or an amusement arcade and be with other girls , but her uncle was strict and did n't like her going to those places , and although she was sometimes lonely she could n't stand the thought of going back to that school , especially now she had been away from it for so long because anyway her friends would n't be there any more and she would be treated like a little girl and the things they had to do would seem more stupid than ever because in her uncle s house she was treated like a grown-up , which she was anyway , and she ran the house .
25 If sudden illness overtakes an elderly person living alone and she needs to be admitted to hospital , she sometimes becomes very agitated and distressed .
26 She sometimes felt depressed , and would ask her husband if he thought she would ever recover : he was always supportive .
27 She sometimes felt that were Scott not sitting at the studio news desk , face made up and hair sprayed , ready to roll and clearly in control — why , then the news might never happen .
28 She sometimes felt stifled .
29 Sally-Anne was very conscious that she was wearing only a nightgown and a light shawl , and the fear which she sometimes felt these days in the company of men , and had felt ever since — no , forget that — was threatening to overwhelm her .
30 She sometimes felt she was walking a tightrope , wanting to be friendly with Therese , and yet terrified of upsetting Karl .
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