Example sentences of "she found [art] " in BNC.

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31 When at last she reached Lynne , she found a very angry confessor , and his ‘ full sharp words ’ are almost the last we hear of Margery ; we do not know what happened to her after her book was finished .
32 She found a cyke parked out of range of the explosion , and straddled it .
33 She found a penny and two ha'pennies in her purse , and the publican had served her a little port in exchange , which she sipped close to the blazing fire .
34 She was the last of the Roxborough line , he 'd said , unless she found a way to fertilize one of her girlfriends .
35 Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element .
36 Less than a week after their first meeting at the poetry reading , she found a message waiting for her , asking her to ring Clelia 's number , and she rang , and Clelia invited herself round to tea .
37 She found a nice solid little stool , thrown away only because a leg was loose .
38 ( For he would never leave her ) If she found a place of her own , with other comrades of course — why , she had moved so often , it was nothing , she could do it easily .
39 At the villa , she found a screw of paper in the flowerpot where she had left the key .
40 She also attests that , though she found a friend in the painting tutor Colin Hayes , ‘ the warmth and heart of the school was John Minton whose compassion , sophistication and wit were immensely necessary ’ .
41 The plates flickered past , solemn and beautiful faces , sleeping soldiers , angels carrying flutes , and then a page fell open more easily because , slipped into it , she found a sheet of the villa 's notepaper on which was typed what she at first thought to be a shopping-list , but , as she began to read , discovered it was no such thing .
42 One night she dreamed that she got up and went to the lavatory , where she found a new , neatly typed notice fixed over the bowl .
43 Out by the pool she found a girl who greeted her warmly and , delving into the recesses of her knapsack , brought out a box of nougat and gave it to her .
44 She was reduced to the landlord 's daughter who served at table : it was the sort of anonymous commingling in which she found a great relief .
45 She found a little space on the table and rested her head .
46 When she arrived back , a little late and with only about forty minutes before she should go down to dinner , she found a small packet on her dressing-table .
47 Eventually she found a dress that appealed to her .
48 So it was again later , but from the mid eighth century to the mid sixth she found a rival who at times surpassed her , Corinth .
49 When she found a lot more shoots in different places , she decided they needed more air and light , so she began to pull out the thick grass around them .
50 Eventually Comfort yielded her place to the Italian and went downstairs to the salon , where she found a slim , middle-aged man with a lined face and grey-streaked dark hair , whom she had never seen before .
51 Lucy drove in to the centre of the city before she found a locksmith near the Chemin de la Tourelle .
52 She found a parking space close to the main entrance .
53 She found a notepad from the Shelbourne and scribbled the word Grimoire down .
54 She found a pair of stockings , passed her hand through to check for runs , discovered a small one near the heel and dabbed it with the bar of soap to hold it ; put on her two-tone coffee and cream high-heel shoes , then looking close in the mirror , applied some eyeliner with the flick of a tail in the corner and painted pale lipstick on her mouth .
55 It did not open ; she found a bell , hesitated about ringing it , then did so .
56 She found a childminder and went back to work .
57 She found a paper bag with two toffees in it ; a book on Burma with a page of Bob 's notes inside ; yellowing , dusty copy paper , crumpled carbons , expired typewriter ribbons ; a briar pipe , grey with age , left over perhaps from some previous occupant ; a dusty brown shoe with a hole in it ; three rusty razor-blades ; an ancient copy of Queen magazine ; a letter from herself …
58 She found a spot on Nowak 's calf that was red and swollen like a severe mosquito bite .
59 Much later , on the homeward journey , she found a restaurant and stayed to have dinner .
60 The heavily plucked eyebrows and the full mouth , thickly and glossily lipsticked , she found a little distasteful .
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