Example sentences of "she knew a " in BNC.

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1 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
2 Leila stood up , quite prepared to defend herself , although she knew a trained assassin when she saw one .
3 I know for a fact she 's had her eye on my mother 's matinée jacket collection for years and when I once , in passing , said I wondered what happened to those old prosthetic devices in the estates of deceased senior citizens , Madge let it slip that she knew a way of turning a Zimmer frame into an attractive lamp ! ’
4 Being a woman , and coming from the background she did , she knew a great deal about jewellery .
5 When Mrs Thatcher chose Mr Major to protect her legacy , she no doubt thought she knew a safe deposit when she saw one .
6 It was if she knew a solution would be proposed .
7 She knew a lot of people , probably had quite a few lovers , but I think she was short on real friends .
8 She knew a little about my brief and less than glorious foray on to the amateur circuit .
9 Although we were close she knew a closer , deeper circle
10 Captain McArthur — a friend of Lionel 's whom she knew a little — and a Miss Bateman , young and pretty .
11 For a few seconds she knew a stab of fear , and then she looked into his eyes and the fear disappeared .
12 He lay beside her and she knew a primal terror , old as hills — older far than the Scarabae .
13 She knew a lot of songs too .
14 If she knew a thing ought to be done she would really push hard . "
15 The city was big enough to hide in , to become lost in and anyway she knew a few people here ; Slater was one .
16 She knew a miserable distaste for the day that loomed ahead .
17 She knew a bit too much about Paul 's distressing business with his youth club there . ’
18 She half believed him now , simply because she knew a man like Luke would n't invent something of this nature , but the belief was shot through with a conviction that he was talking about more than sating an inconvenient lust .
19 For a long moment he lay where he was , and she knew a second 's real apprehension .
20 To flee would be to award them victory — and , for the first time , she knew a burning determination to win .
21 Surprisingly she knew a moment 's regret when he released her ; the warmth of his body , the unmistakable strength of his arms , had been unexpectedly exhilarating , despite the absurdity of the situation .
22 She knew a lot about birds — she 'd have been perfectly able to do a short stint , teaching them to fly and so forth .
23 Her imagination conjured up an erotically vivid picture and she knew a hectic flush had risen to her cheeks .
24 She knew a lot about his lovemaking technique , though , and that was n't anything to be proud of .
25 But even as she made the token protest she knew a longing almost painful in its intensity to feel the possession of his mouth all over again .
26 She knew a quick surge of satisfaction when the door flew open , but there was no time to revel in pride at her own achievement as she took in the scene beyond the door .
27 The small aircraft bucked and tossed , throwing her forward , then something caught her a glancing blow and she knew a moment 's pain before the blessed darkness closed in .
28 She tried to look uninterested as she watched him go up to Helen and Edward , but when , after a minute or two , he turned and walked purposefully towards her , she knew a moment of near-panic .
29 She knew a lot of telly .
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