Example sentences of "she would see " in BNC.

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1 This writing was discovered by her ; she read some material before her visit , which prepared her a little for what she would see .
2 When she looked at her grandmother with the sharp eyes that Fenna could lend her , she would see that solid outline waver , dissolve , crumble .
3 She had fantasised the meeting : she would be lying naked and on some screen in front of her she would see , pulsing and radiant , her own dark lover and his home place .
4 My mother does n't cook very much food , and if I were to cook my own she would see that as greed and put a stop to it .
5 We should ring her on our return and she would see whether she felt able to perform .
6 Svend thanked her warmly and talked about next year ; she would see the exhibit then , and he would welcome any suggestions she had for its display .
7 Once she had the confidence to walk outside , she would see the older children to the bus-stop and then perhaps go shopping or meet friends .
8 She would see out the contract if they would have her , and then consider how things were at the end of it .
9 She would see what he had to say as personal criticism and that was something which in his experience few women could take .
10 When she reached the plateau she remained standing , watching for Joss Barnet , waiting for the moment when she would see him riding towards her .
11 She was happy to wait for him , certain that soon she would see him riding towards her .
12 Charlotte did get the position of nanny and often travelled on the same train home on her days off , always in the first compartment behind the tender and always hoping that she would see Albert , which she often did and she leaned out of the window to talk to him when the train stopped in the stations .
13 She said that she would see herself out .
14 He had said he was a very good friend of Danny , Carrie 's brother , and it was likely that she would see him sometime in the future .
15 Looking around her , she would see that while her brothers might follow their father 's trade or profession , whatever that was , or perhaps look for an apprenticeship in a traditional craft , or take advantage of the new opportunities in , say , transport — in short choose , within limits , a career that appealed to them — she was not likely to be able to indulge a personal preference .
16 There would be no more of that : she would see the person as he was , and see him steadily , setting aside her own long shadow as it fell .
17 The whole problem , the way the plays had got wound into each other , would interest her , she would see it was a problem .
18 She would see Alexei again .
19 Playing the fringes of the metropolis , Lily had used to hope that one day , looking up on the prompt side , she would see one of George Edwardes 's scouts .
20 Other people 's houses always intrigued her by the contrast they offered to Greystones ; she would see suddenly — with detached interest and quite without envy or criticism — the extent to which other people 's preoccupations differed from her own .
21 Always optimistic , Anne felt sure that now that she would see him regularly at the dance , she would soon find out how he 268 really felt about her , but it was not to be .
22 He knew she was angry with him for allowing their daughter to join the hunt , traditionally something only a select few men were allowed the honour of , but she would see his way soon enough .
23 She would see her dear father again , and have a cousin of the same age to play with .
24 Perhaps she would see someone across the room .
25 Richard was still not allowed to speak — he was not recovering quite so fast as had been expected — and he could make little reply when Laura told him that this was exactly the kind of thing she had expected all along , and that she would see about disposing of Lord Jim immediately .
26 And in the meantime , since he had spoken of things she ought to learn , she would see if he could tell her just what it was that women like Marie Moon and Audrey Covington-Pym did to stop themselves from bearing child after child after child .
27 She had almost successfully deterred André from his plans to paint the town red with her , had vaguely told him that she would see how she felt when he issued the invitation , only to pour all her good intentions down the drain when this morning Piers had received a call from Nicole , and informed Alyssia offhandedly that he would be out for the balance of the day .
28 Claudia quickened her steps ; perhaps this time she would see him and know , at last , who he was , this man she would marry .
29 Soon she would see her — her rival .
30 Now she would see his eyes flash dark with anger , and hear his voice crack …
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