Example sentences of "she was suddenly " in BNC.

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1 Just as Olga was fumbling with her food tray , struggling to unseal the utensils , she was suddenly lashed by a storm of hysterical accusations .
2 She was suddenly furious .
3 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
4 Now she was suddenly drained of all energy , as though spent by the effort .
5 Her long black hair , which was always tied back in a knot at the nape of her neck , would spring constantly outwards in a curly disarray whenever she was suddenly excited .
6 She was suddenly tense and her voice came stiffly : ‘ Thank you . ’
7 Waiting in the airport she was suddenly aware of Nora striding towards her .
8 And she was suddenly denied job interviews and passed over for promotion , she said .
9 ’ Lewis sat opposite Hari and she was suddenly aware of how handsome he was .
10 She was suddenly overcome by the drama of her situation .
11 She was suddenly hungry , being young and having pushed Charlotte for several miles on a cold October afternoon , and longed for a bar of chocolate .
12 She was suddenly angry .
13 She was n't happy , she was suddenly plunged into all this pressure and it was a nightmare for her .
14 She followed Martin and Clelia into the house , and drank , eventually , a large gin and tonic , and then she went home on the bus , and when she got home she was suddenly and violently sick .
15 She was suddenly frightened .
16 She was suddenly aware that she had been looking forward to her new life in Portugal far more than she had realized .
17 And then , when she looked at the high terrace with its pots of trailing geraniums , she could see nothing for the shadow was so intense — not the pale blob of a face or the movement of a hand — but she was suddenly as sure as she could be of anything that someone was standing there , looking down , waiting for them to get out of the car and watching them .
18 It was lunchtime and she was suddenly very hungry .
19 She was suddenly close to tears .
20 As Katherine watched them and listened , she was suddenly aware that her father seemed different than he did in New York .
21 She was suddenly burning with the fire of a new task .
22 She was suddenly seeing herself as a desirable young woman — a woman the famous Maître of the Maison de Verveine might have wanted to marry had he been free .
23 She was suddenly aware of the absence in her bed .
24 She was suddenly aware of approaching hurried footsteps , and scurried back into the last room she had passed , which was n't locked and turned out to be a storeroom for spare cables and bulbs for the lighting system .
25 Then she cried for Adam , cried because she was suddenly frightened he was dead , cried for the loss of something she had only just found .
26 She was suddenly aware how ridiculous she was becoming .
27 But if Betty began to weep Lydia would be , in humanity , bound to put her arm about her in consolation ; so she said earnestly that she was suddenly terribly hungry and could it possibly be time for lunch .
28 She was suddenly glad that Inspector Blakelock had done the documentation on the clunch pit murder .
29 She was suddenly downcast , obviously sharing the world 's lack of enthusiasm for Marius Steen 's son .
30 Her shoes began to pinch her toes , like a warning to run away , and she was suddenly desperate to go to the lavatory .
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