Example sentences of "she had finally " in BNC.

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1 Gloria was walking faster , almost striding on her high heels as though she had finally refound her way .
2 She had finally hit back !
3 She had finally scuttled into hiding .
4 At school , compensating , she had worked and worked and worked , so much so that she had finally made the two A's and a B necessary for medicine in her A levels .
5 ‘ It was n't your fault , ’ she had finally said .
6 She had finally cracked the ice with young Nick , and was now flexing and exercising muscles , as she madly twirled and twisted the rows of red-painted wooden men , that she had almost forgotten she had .
7 When she had finally been rescued some two hours later it was discovered that the hem of her frock had been chewed away .
8 She had finally walked out on him and it had only been the intervention of Philpott that had brought them back together again .
9 Then , when she had finally gone into labour , Edith had been left to birth alone in her bedroom with only their mother 's reprimanding voice to help her along .
10 She began to pour the tea and when she had finally finished and sat down felt as if she had run the London Marathon .
11 He was wearing a navy sweater and a light-coloured shirt and blue jeans , and her heart lurched because time shrank to the moment when she had finally walked away from him , one autumn morning , early , with their love already an awful deadweight in her memory .
12 This weekend she had finally braced herself to the course of obtruding the existence of Len into the house .
13 When she had finally finished unpacking , she went and sat by the window again .
14 She had finally confronted the truth this morning when Leo had told her , unaware of the news 's import , ‘ Vass is back .
15 But the worst of all was to read what she had finally written on the night before the bazaar , the night before he had added himself to the list of those who had betrayed her — It was the worst hurt of his life .
16 Perhaps now , now she had finally written it down , could stare at the irretrievable words , written in black and white , she would be able to accept the way things had to be , she would have the strength to return .
17 She had finally recognized it .
18 Perhaps , she had finally decided , I shall simply have to learn to live with it .
19 She had barely slept last night — even what little of it had been left when she had finally crawled beneath the bedcovers .
20 After years of living out of suitcases in hotel rooms and tour coaches , finding the shabby old farmhouse deep in the country had seemed like heaven — the second she 'd spotted it , she 'd felt as though she had finally found home .
21 That afternoon , hearing him talk about his sister , then lying beneath the trees with him , she had really thought she had finally broken through to a real live human being beneath the glacial exterior .
22 She had finally cornered her prey and Charity wanted to go ?
23 He said nothing , did nothing , and for a few seconds , she thought she had finally silenced him .
24 They had wanted each other from that first night , and now , in this dimly lit room , with Nicolo 's mouth on hers , with his hands on her breasts , she had finally run out of lies and excuses , not just for him but for herself .
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