Example sentences of "she realise [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She realised for the first time how Benjamin must be feeling .
2 ‘ But only because when we turned up at the solicitor 's to work out the marriage settlement — her idea , not mine — she realised for the first time that I was n't as rich as she thought .
3 ‘ But I have n't done anything — except be an absolute misery , ’ she added honestly as she realised for perhaps the first time what a wet blanket she had been .
4 Speechless , she glared at him , then felt the colour start back to her cheeks as she realised for the first time what he was dressed in , which was very little indeed .
5 But as she sipped the hot , reviving brew , she realised for the first time since buying the house just how very quiet it was — eerily quiet .
6 Her mother so seldom asked her for anything , she realised with a jolt .
7 She realised with a shock what a mystery her children were to her , and what a mystery she must seem to them .
8 SHe realised with a dreadful clench of the stomach that SHe was a morsel of raw flesh being thrown into a blood-spiced pool of hungry sharks .
9 She realised with a sinking heart that the longer her mother-in-law remained at the Manor , the more difficult it would be to dislodge her .
10 She realised with a suppressed groan that she was forced to justify herself to the chief superintendent in the same terms as she had defended herself against Christine Mills .
11 She had no idea of Roman 's feelings towards her , she realised with a jolt of despair .
12 She realised with a shock that , while waiting for the disaster she believed was inevitable , she had been holding her breath .
13 It was , she realised with astonishment , his version of an apology , and she had a feeling that it had taken a lot out of him to say it .
14 But she realised with irritation that it was n't followed by either a phone number or an address .
15 There was even , she realised with a sense of unreality , a fountain playing in the pool at the centre of the design .
16 Folly sat up ; then clutched the sheet to her as she realised with a shock that she was naked .
17 She winced , the force of his brutal remark piercing through her like a sharp knife , the suggestion of other women hurting so badly that she realised with a sick sensation that she was jealous .
18 He glanced sideways at her , and as his eyes lingered for a moment on her form , she realised with horror that she was n't wearing a bra .
19 Even the tall Dane beside her no longer aroused her guarded antipathy , she realised with something like shock .
20 And as she pushed open the forest-green doors of Woodline Design she realised with surprise that she had n't given a thought to Max for some considerable time .
21 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
22 Because her only defence was to turn him against her , she realised with a pang of sorrow .
23 Telling Dane about her past had removed a massive weight from her shoulders , she realised with a sense of wonder and gratitude .
24 But then the near triumphant feeling of satisfaction quickly changed to one of horror , as she realised with a cry that the co-ordination of her limbs was n't what it should be , and she found herself falling heavily and clumsily into the basin of chill water below .
25 Anyone could have typed that message and his initial , she realised with dismay .
26 In fact , she realised with mounting dismay , everything she owned in the world was aboard Water Gypsy .
27 And therein lay the extent of his gratitude , she realised with a feeling of despondency , but to disguise her feelings she added brightly , ‘ When we 're at the hospital we must visit Stella . ’
28 She realised with a slight shock that she was staring straight at a man who was looking in through the shop window , staring back .
29 Except , she realised with a sudden sense of shock , the ship was moving and she had n't even noticed until now .
30 She had n't actually intended to go in , but the window display caught her eye and , without thinking , she wandered in , to look , certainly not to buy , until she realised with a pang of guilt , as she gazed at the racks of colourful fashions , that everything in her wardrobe must be hopelessly out of date .
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