Example sentences of "she would simply " in BNC.

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1 When a car went by she 'd simply track it with her eyes and remain fairly unruffled ; stirred you might say , but not shaken .
2 She 'd simply be a material witness of some kind who was n't well enough to be interviewed .
3 Jessica could hardly have cared less about the money ; she 'd simply stick it in her purse like always , and when it was spent , it was spent .
4 She bridled at his tone , irritated hugely by his assumption that she 'd simply drop everything to dance to his bidding .
5 With a conscious effort , she swallowed the small spurt of irritation against his easy presumption that she 'd simply fall into line with whatever he chose to do .
6 Well , she 'd spent most of her life flying solo , protecting herself from the rest of the world behind high barriers ; now , after risking and losing all in one fell swoop , she 'd simply have to set about the painful business of re-erecting those walls .
7 Well , she 'd simply have to find the strength within herself to resist that power , she decided grimly , rising to her feet and reaching for the long black dress she 'd laid out earlier to change into .
8 The other woman was already sceptical — she could n't afford to add more fuel to the fire of her suspicions by biting Adam 's head off the way she 'd simply love to do .
9 Well , she 'd simply have to depend on luck to get her through .
10 Perhaps she would simply lead him on and on into some dark chamber of doubt and fear .
11 She would simply not say another word on the subject .
12 Anyway , it did n't seem to concern her — she would simply make another nest and lay some more .
13 There would have been no point ; she would simply have laughed .
14 She would simply have to trust in Lorimer 's dread of his mother .
15 She would simply be the dairymaid Tess , and nothing more .
16 She wondered if Miss Coldharbour had the power to sack her or whether she would simply recommend this course of action to Canon Wheeler .
17 If she waited for too long , she would simply chicken out .
18 She was offering herself to him on a silver platter , no strings attached , and she would simply cope with the agony of their parting when the time came .
19 Occasionally too she would simply sit crouched on the sofa and weep silently , her hands pressed to her cheeks .
20 From now till this snow siege ended , she would simply live under the same roof , but keep to her own side of an invisible barrier , she decided .
21 If so , she would simply invent a diplomatic headache , and stay away from La Tour Monchauzet altogether .
22 And besides , she knew that if she waited till morning she would simply toss and turn all night .
23 If he was already on his way out , she would simply have to find some way of stopping him , though right at this moment she did n't have a clue just what that would be .
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