Example sentences of "she [was/were] certainly " in BNC.

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1 Fergie was not , strictly speaking , Diana 's type ; she was certainly not like her old friends , nor indeed many of the friends she has made in the last few years .
2 She was certainly not here .
3 A queen brought up in France was therefore geographically remote , but she was certainly not alien .
4 She was not a scholar but a queen , to be trained for the needs of diplomacy , and also as the centrepiece of a Renaissance court ; and she was certainly skilled in the courtly arts , music and dancing .
5 She was certainly an attraction .
6 She was certainly far from her normal state of mind .
7 She was certainly unlikely to be amused by ill-bred behaviour on the part of those who undoubtedly held themselves to be among Europe 's finest aristocratic stock .
8 She was certainly the only person to whom he started to describe his feelings .
9 The only girl , Roberta , or Berta , as the family called her , was the same age as her cousin Sandy and although ‘ chesty ’ as they said , she was certainly spirited enough , and more than kept up with all the boys .
10 I suppose she was the sort who would normally have been commissioned , but , all credit to her , she opted for the ranks and she was certainly finding out how the other half lived .
11 She was certainly a terrific girl , he told himself ruefully .
12 And yet she was certainly far from unintelligent .
13 She had known not what to expect but she was certainly unprepared to find them alone together so soon .
14 On the other hand , she was certainly not about to own up .
15 She was certainly that , But she meant on a larger scale , A cosmic scale , We were all lost ; but one day we 'd be saved .
16 She was certainly still young enough to play with children , but , in a way , she seemed to have an old head on those shoulders .
17 She was certainly a bewitching woman , but then he 'd known others every bit as bewitching , and not been panicked by them .
18 Eleanor , on the other hand , was said to be beautiful and lively ; she was certainly headstrong and indiscreet .
19 She was certainly in love with him , and gave him whatever money he asked for .
20 Dexter guessed she was deeply in love : not with her husband , with whom she was trapped in an unsuitable and corroded marriage ; nor even it seemed , although no one knew the secrets of the dead woman 's heart , with her older lover ; but she was certainly in love with herself , Dexter believed , and with her image on the screen .
21 She was certainly a true daughter of a remarkably colourful family , for she was born a Saunderson , a line of famous Protestant fighters who were sent to settle in Ireland in the seventeenth century to quell the local rebels .
22 Little is known of her education ; however , she was certainly precocious .
23 In many ways she was less marked by age than her daughter and she was certainly a better looking woman .
24 The other is my wife , and she was certainly not crying .
25 I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth — virtually all the hijras I talked to shrouded the facts of their lives in a thick wrap of fantasies — but she was certainly from a middle-class background and spoke fluent English .
26 Her sister was headstrong and volatile , sometimes thoughtless of the feelings of those who cared for her , but she could also be charming and generous , compassionate and very lovable , and she was certainly no femme fatale , to lead a man to his doom against his will .
27 She was certainly going to miss Rob .
28 They had told her in hospital that the glass had cut into an artery and she had needed transfusions but although she had felt far from well this morning she was certainly feeling worse now .
29 Whatever she felt inside , she was certainly going to look cool and composed outside .
30 She was certainly vigorous-looking , Jenna thought .
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