Example sentences of "she [verb] herself " in BNC.

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1 As he walked from the room she hugged herself .
2 Finally she nerved herself to go and have a drink .
3 ‘ Entertaining the proprietor was n't part of the job description , ’ she offered , her tone creamy as she nerved herself to continue the debate if necessary .
4 Spurred on by her envious sisters , who convince her that her mystery spouse is really a foul serpent , she arms herself with a lamp to see him with and knife to attack him with .
5 I expect she kicks herself for giving him those special facilities now , because it 's sure to be one of those jaw-breaking pieces of unreadability Americans produce .
6 She gasped as she pierced herself and , holding her breath , pushed her finger as far up her bum as it would go .
7 In the case of Letitia , who had married an Irish baronet , Sir Thomas Wyse , her refusal to accept the Emperor 's decision that she confine herself to being Lady Wyse , dropping all imperial pretensions by calling herself Bonaparte Wyse , led to her being expelled from France .
8 She flung herself on Wexford , yelping frenetically , and when he pushed her away , ran round him in circles , wildly gyrating her tail and flapping her knitted ears .
9 After they had told her Wexford and Burden sat helplessly while she flung herself face-downwards on the sofa and sobbed into the cushions .
10 She flung herself crying on to Mrs Hollidaye 's lap , knocking Mrs Hollidaye 's afternoon hat sideways .
11 As she flung herself down to clasp his knees he stood rigid .
12 She flung herself round , back to the Volkswagen , but the door catch went and the door swung open with a crash against the bus .
13 With a despairing cry she flung herself
14 She flung herself into his arms and looked up imploringly .
15 She flung herself on the bed in a paroxysm of weeping , wailing like an animal in pain — until Mrs Taylor came running , and took her in her arms .
16 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
17 Breathlessly she flung herself down on the window seat .
18 She flung herself to the floor and rolled to safety behind the half-opened door , the Beretta clenched tightly in her gloved hand .
19 She flung herself away from him for a moment , and then returned to attack his sex but he held her off , had to use some force to hold her blind-eyed , gaunt-faced , now grasping body away from his .
20 Daalny stood tense and at a loss for one moment , before she flung herself bodily into the open doorway , as though she feared the door might be slammed again before she could prevent , though Cadfael made no move .
21 She flung herself at friendship and blurted her thoughts and feelings , jokes and secrets till she had no flora in the lining of her inner spaces to help her absorb her experiences slowly , nutritiously .
22 She flung herself out of the kitchen and along the passage .
23 Then suddenly she flung herself down on the bed and closed her eyes .
24 She flung herself on him .
25 She flung herself upon him , going down on her knees to kiss the ramrod .
26 She flung herself into her room and began to pack frantically , wanting to cry with rage and shame .
27 She flung herself on the end of the bed and began to bring him further up to date .
28 Then she flung herself down into her pillows and gave way to tears of frustration and rage .
29 She flung herself down on her bunk , burying her face in the pillow .
30 She flung herself upon Silas , grasping his arms as she gazed up into his face , and despite the presence of Lucy and Jean she wailed contritely , ‘ Silas , darling — I 'm so sorry .
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