Example sentences of "which allows the " in BNC.

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1 However , the same little collection of components would n't allow a robot arm to interpret the signals from a CCD sensor in a manner which allows the arm to be placed reliably alongside an item on a conveyor belt .
2 Mr Skinner insisted : ‘ There will always be a need for socialism , whether in Britain or anywhere else , so long as there are millionaires living in the lap of luxury and other people living in cardboard boxes , so long as we have a system which allows the poor countries of the world to hand over $50m to the rich . ’
3 The nuns claim that they were exploiting a loophole in the Zoonoses Order 1989 , which allows the slaughter of any infected flocks .
4 If the judge rules in favour of the nuns it will call into question the Zoonoses Order 1989 , which allows the Ministry of Agriculture to slaughter an infected flock .
5 The transmission has undergone a major change to a four-speed unit , sourced from General Motors , and has been provided with the now-obligatory sports and economy programmes , plus a winter mode which allows the system to start off in second gear .
6 Next he uses the same technique but this time on to a sheet of transparent glass placed on trestles , which allows the photographer to film the act through the glass , so that we see the paint falling around the pebbles and wires already placed on the glass .
7 But even if it is not exactly this scheme , it is certain that any global agreement will have to be supported by a mechanism which allows the developing countries to pollute more while they catch up with developed countries which are simultaneously reducing their emissions .
8 Many roasters now pack the beans warm from the roasting process in bags with a special filter which allows the beans to cool while preventing the volatile gases from escaping , taking much of the flavour of the beans with them .
9 They grant also what is called a divorce a mensa et thoro , or rather what we should call a judicial separation , i.e. they release the parties from the duty of living together on grounds of cruelty or misconduct ; but a divorce in the modern sense , which allows the parties to marry again , is not recognized by the medieval church in the case of any marriage which is originally valid .
10 However , even if the natural TL signal can be measured , the dating of both glass and slags is rarely satisfactory : glass gives problems because of its transparency , which allows the TL signal to be bleached by light ( see below ) , and slag can be very inhomogenous in its radioactivity content .
11 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
12 Greenpeace gave a warning yesterday of a loophole which allows the EC to promote production of another raft of chemicals , known as HCFCs , now recognised as damaging to the ozone layer but not covered by the Montreal Protocol of 1989 .
13 His other inventions included the Maxaman ventilator and resuscitator , a life support unit which allows the victim to breathe oxygen freely at his own rhythm but acts automatically in the case of respiratory failure .
14 Photech Engineering Ltd. has produced an underwater housing system for format cameras which allows the user to start with a basic housing system and build on it , take full advantage of their camera system and even to change camera systems altogether at a relatively small cost .
15 Later , a change comes about , and a consensus supports the First Choice , which allows the forceful seizure of the goods , and the action , in accordance with the definition proffered earlier , is labelled ‘ evil ’ .
16 A modification of this , which allows the client to incorporate his own requirements in more detail , is the design and build method .
17 By contrast , the sperm is the smallest cell of the body , whose nuclear material is packed into the smallest possible space inside the sperm head , and whose cytoplasm is reduced to a thin filament , the tail , which allows the sperm to swim before fertilizing the egg .
18 Do consider how the new conservatory will best blend with the property and whether to use single glazing which is less expensive or double glazing which allows the conservatory to be used more comfortably the year around .
19 The judge also said that Brenda had no protection from the 1906 Dog Act which allows the police to destroy or sell a dog after seven days .
20 This is only really effective if used in conjunction with a special radio outfit which allows the tail rotor pitch to be reduced to zero when the motor is stopped .
21 One of the latest firms to have entered into an IVA , which allows the firm protection from creditors while it attempts to reorganise its finances , is Hook Harris , an eight-partner firm with three offices in the south of England .
22 First , they must face trial by jury in civil actions , which allows the plaintiff 's attorney to appeal to the jury 's emotions — and US juries are rarely sympathetic towards a large firm with seemingly endless insurance cover .
23 This change follows the EC 's adoption in December 1991 of the Insurance Accounting Directive , which allows the inclusion of both realised and unrealised investment gains in the p&l account .
24 For those with emotional difficulties , drama provides an invaluable vehicle which allows the effect of behaviour to be explored .
25 Anne McIntosh , MEP for North East Essex , is pressing the Government to reverse its policy of controlled retreat , which allows the sea to gradually take its natural course .
26 However it is possible to find a method which allows the additional information to be removed from the tree ( as previously mentioned in section ) .
27 If one is still searching for ways to explain this absence , believing with most ethologists , socio-biologists , and even some social anthropologists that aggression is part of human nature , then the obvious place to look is for some form of ritual as catharsis , or try to identify some other culturally constructed behaviour pattern which allows the individual Chewong to shed negatively valued arousal states , like anger , which according to such theories would build up and erupt in uncontrolled violent behaviour .
28 Some of these are responsible for capturing and digesting food , while others form the gas-filled blue balloon which allows the animal to float on the sea 's surface .
29 This is a special type of power of attorney which allows the person you have appointed as your attorney to deal with your property and financial affairs .
30 Chafe 's view is that the event is held in some abstract form which allows the recreation of sub-chunks and propositions on the basis of the needs of the story situation at that time .
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