Example sentences of "which allows [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such views are very different from those that would be associated with behaviourism or epiphenomenalism , neither of which allows mental states any causal role in the production of behaviour .
2 They regretted TM 's ‘ eastern mystical ’ connotations but pointed out that it was ‘ a very simple , natural technique which allows mental activity to settle down to a state of increased inner quietness , producing deep mental and physical rest ’ .
3 SGE has launched Delta software which allows simultaneous acquisition and processing of data from two chromatographs , each with two detectors , and still allows editing and reprocessing of data .
4 A MANOVA was performed , which allows serial measurements to be analysed , and xenografts treated with the histamine concentrations of 1 mgkg - 1 were significantly different from the controls ( p=0.008 ) whereas xenografts treated with histamine concentrations of 0.1 and 10 mgkg - 1 were not .
5 In selected cases , however , a safe alternative to circumcision exists — namely , ‘ preputial plasty , ’ which allows complete mobilisation of the foreskin almost without discomfort and complications , even when done by inexperienced surgeons .
6 The modern therapeutic armamentarium includes H 2 antagonists , mucosal protective agents , bismuth salts , and anti- Helicobacter pylon chemotherapy , as well as omeprazole which allows complete blockade of acid secretion under which condition all peptic ulcers will heal .
7 As well as providing a conventional means of mixing powders , it has a spear system which allows soluble bags to be disposed of without the operator having to handle them .
8 Distinct from the current Teleworking project , Lothian Regional Council has a framework document which allows male and female employees to telework is appropriate .
9 It says the present system , which allows controlled international trade , has failed to prevent heavy illegal smuggling of wild Paphiopedilum ( slipper ) orchids .
10 Although the New Movement faded in its significance , because it ignored parts of the practical experience of educational management which practitioners themselves regarded as important , what was left was still a recognition that education management is a field of application which allows fruitful connections to be made between theory and practice .
11 This is presumably a result of the flexibility of the chain which allows extensive convolution thereby impeding stabilization of the required long range alignment .
12 In most shallow wells the pumping mechanism sits at the well head ( which allows easy maintenance ) , and water is ‘ sucked up ’ through a rising main .
13 One 's immediate tendency would be to question the cost , but the more experienced would appreciate the DSP 's consistent flexibility and unfluttering performance , performance which allows easy change from 4- to 5- to 6-string basses with only minor modifications to suit .
14 Please bring a Bible and wear clothing which allows easy movement and suitable footwear ( eg trainers )
15 Effective community care must provide a mechanism which allows easy and appropriate referral to and from hospital clinics .
16 In choosing the Chart system which allows various models and strategies to be implemented and evaluated , we ensure that no design decision at any level in the system is irrevocable .
17 The Royal National Institute for Deaf People Roadshow will feature the revolutionary ‘ Typetalk ’ communications system , which allows deaf and hard of hearing people to use the telephone for the first time .
18 For the first time LCCIEB offered registered trainer status which allows experienced candidates to cascade training to assessors and verifiers .
19 It is just this which allows subversive potential to parodic repetition but which also means that the parody will typically be inflected with the ambivalence I have described and , partly because of that ambivalence , oscillate between the political and the anarchic .
20 The gang , Whyte argued , had a distinct internal structure of seniority ; though a structure which allows upward mobility within it .
21 This manual explains how to use PMR , the LIFESPAN Project Management Reports product , which allows online users to produce reports on Design Changes and on Software Performance Reports and Software Status Reports .
22 A separate scanner program , called SCAN.EXE , is available which allows individual modules to be scanned at any time without the user being logged on to LIFESPAN .
23 " Joint implementation " , which allows industrialised countries to gain credit for financing projects to reduce emissions in developing countries , is disliked by environmentalists who fear it will weaken the resolve of industrialised countries , the biggest producers of greenhouse gases , to reduce their own emissions .
24 The resolution would move the African elephant and its ‘ products ’ from a listing on the Cites appendix II — which allows regulated trade and a quota system for African nations — to Appendix I , where all trade is banned .
25 One of the most exciting is the happy demise of eleven character file names — the old 8 and 3 construction of filename and extension can be done away with by opting for a 32 bit High Performance Filing System ( HPFS ) which allows long file names — things like ‘ letter to bank manager about my loan ’ which have much more meaning than ‘ Letloan.doc ’ , for instance .
26 It becomes more ‘ leaky ’ which allows other food molecules through and the body may then react adversely to these as well .
27 Such a situation is one which allows other countries to put aside international law and act according to their own judgments .
28 When heat styling , use a vent brush which allows hot air to circulate through the brush , spreading the heat evenly .
29 Polymers do not form perfectly elastic solids , as a limited amount of bond rotation can occur in the glass which allows slight plastic deformation ; this makes them somewhat tougher than an inorganic glass .
30 The problem is that it has the effect of actually reinforcing alienation , leaving room for that disjunction from the natural world which allows certain scientists to behave with inconceivable cruelty in their laboratories , which allows workers in slaughter houses to treat animals as if they simply had no rights or feelings at all , which allows people to justify all manner of exploitation , as if there were no moral obligations or injunctions upon us whatsoever .
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