Example sentences of "which ended the " in BNC.

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1 Her government began with a huge surrender , the quite unexpected settlement in which she acquiesced which ended the long-running saga of British relations with the former Southern Rhodesia , now renamed Zimbabwe .
2 These events were the culmination of a process which ended the attempt to accommodate localism into the political structure through very complex constitutional arrangements .
3 Perhaps the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War was the first to acknowledge the emergence of an international order which legitimated State sovereignty .
4 Under the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle , provisionally signed on 30 April 1748 , and finally concluded on 18 October , which ended the War of the Austrian Succession ( and of Jenkins 's Ear ) , the French agreed — as they had in relation to the Old Pretender under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 — to recognise the Hanoverian succession and to refuse shelter to those who challenged it .
5 The protagonist had punched one of the soldiers , whom he accused of throwing the glass , and Mr. Long had been forced to hit him in self-defence , which ended the fight .
6 Indeed , Michael Chang 's defeat of Jim Courier , which ended the French and Australian Open champion 's reign as world number one after exactly 40 days , followed successes also against three of the biggest servers in the game , Marc Rosset , Markus Zoecke and Pete Sampras .
7 The situation changed with the passing of the Poor Law Amendment Act in 1834 , which ended the system of subsidising wages .
8 The ice which ended the meal was christened Pôle Nord and consisted of a soft cream encased in ice-cream , resting on an ice pedestal carved in the shape of a bird sitting on a rock .
9 It was the urban mob which ended the hesitations of the official classes wherever resistance was a possibility .
10 By 1846 the repeal of the Corn Laws — which ended the protection of corn and the underwriting of agricultural rents by the exclusion of cheaper foreign competition — spelt the death knell of the aristocracy 's dominance of the economy and society .
11 The agreement was reached by the Iran-US Claims Tribunal in The Hague ( Netherlands ) , established in 1981 under an accord which ended the imprisonment of 52 US embassy personnel in Tehran , which constituted the only formal diplomatic link between the two countries .
12 He expressed confidence that the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) would demobilize their remaining guerrilla forces and that the government would honour pledges on political and security reforms pledges by Oct. 31 , the deadline for compliance with the terms of the January peace treaty which ended the 12-year civil war [ see pp. 38716 ; 38809 ; 38906 ] .
13 The election , which ended the 28-year rule of the People 's National Congress ( PNC ) , had been postponed repeatedly [ for late 1991 postponement see pp. 38142 ; 38571 ; 38673 ] .
14 Since the market for this metal is dominated by the automotive industry there was an inevitable decline in price which ended the year at $1,350 per ounce , over 55% down from the year 's high point .
15 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
16 So now this overgrown patch of woodland soon could have a permanent reminder of the tragic crash which ended the life of one of Britain 's wartime test pilots .
17 That 's the response to the midweek defeat at Manchester United , which ended the club 's bold bid for a Rumbelows Cup Wembley place .
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