Example sentences of "which called [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In November 1977 the DES issued Circular 14/77 which called on LEAs to review their curricular arrangements and report to the Secretary of State within seven months their answers to fifty detailed and challenging questions .
2 The event is also designed to continue the process of follow-up to WACC 's international Congress in the Philippines ( 1989 ) , which called on communicators to ‘ enter into a new phase of dialogue with related organisations and all people of good will to achieve a common understanding of communication in the service of free , just and peaceful communities at the local and international levels . ’
3 Of particular importance was the Clarté movement founded by French intellectual Henri Barbusse in 1919 , which called on intellectuals to engage in the struggle against ignorance and its perpetrators .
4 In May 1640 he arbitrated a dispute over the parliamentary election for Chester ; and in July 1642 he played a leading role in organizing , and probably also drafting , the Cheshire ‘ Remonstrance ’ , a petition containing over 8,000 signatures , which called on the king and Parliament to settle their differences and avoid civil war .
5 He was in the middle of the pivotal scene with Marianne , a scene which called on hero and heroine to embrace and kiss passionately .
6 In January , my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister convened a meeting of the Security Council at Heads of Government level , which called on the Secretary-General to report on how the peacekeeping role of the United Nations could be strengthened .
7 The attack was denounced by the Hungarian government , which called on the Romanian authorities to stop such " terrorist acts " .
8 A disagreement between the USSR State Bank ( Gosbank ) and the Russian Federation state bank was behind a decree issued by Gorbachev on July 29 which called on republican Supreme Soviets to refrain from passing legislation disrupting the country 's finance and banking system .
9 Gorbachev on Aug. 13 issued a decree which called on the Union and republican governments to draft legislation by Oct. 1 to restore civil and socio-economic rights to peasants who had suffered imprisonment , exile and expropriation during collectivization , and to all citizens persecuted for " political , social , ethnic , religious or other reasons " between the 1920s and the 1950s .
10 An SPD motion , which called on the government to produce a report on the affair , was approved .
11 Diplomatic relations with the UK were severed in February 1989 following the imposition of a fatwa by the late Ayatollah Khomeini which called on Moslems to kill the Indian-born British writer , Salman Rushdie [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
12 The president of the House of Deputies of the Congress , Carlos Dupre , on Nov. 28 ordered an official investigation to verify the authenticity of a letter attributed to " various military chiefs " which called on former President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , to resign .
13 It also adopted a declaration " on the equitable participation of the Lithuanian republic in the community of world states " , which called on " all states , their parliaments and governments to take into account the results of the poll … and render assistance to Lithuania " .
14 On Jan. 15 the Cabinet approved a plan which called on all groups and individuals voluntarily to hand over small-calibre weapons by mid-March .
15 A considerable amount of my time since Annual Conference has been spent in following up Resolution No 25 which called for a specialist review of administration and expenditure .
16 Only after pressure from US Secretary of State James Baker , was a draft resolution agreed with New Zealand , which called for :
17 Mr Hurd 's speech this week in Luxembourg , which called for the European Council ( as summits are known ) to have strong links with a reinforced WEU , would not have been made in Mrs Thatcher 's day .
18 OECD reports , technical journals , but no reports of future European Planning Committee meetings in Geneva , or Paris , Lisbon , Rome or Madrid , and no minutes of previous Planning meetings with resolutions which called for immediate action .
19 This and other statements were clear enough , and it seems a little one-sided to attribute causal power to one set of statements — those which encouraged Protestants to reject the O'Neill government — and yet deny causal power to those statements which called for such rejection to be confined within the limits of legality .
20 Romantic poets such as Novalis and Arndt gave expression to this idea and made it famous , but it dates at least from Leibniz 's great political tract , Caesarinus Furstenerius ( De Supremum Principum Germaniae ) written in 1677 which called for the unification of Christendom and , thus , of Germany .
21 The PLO 's triumph both in the Arab arena and internationally was underestimated by Jordan and by Israel , which called for new municipal elections in 1976 .
22 This in turn produced a sharper contrast than in 1980–1 between ( a ) responses which emphasized the need to strengthen and buttress the role of the police , and ( b ) responses which called for greater emphasis on the rejuvenation of the social and economic fabric of the inner cities .
23 In his second report , the Commissioner wrote that the confidential part of his report discussed individual warrants which called for comment and also some examples of recent operations .
24 The next major event in Blackpool which called for illuminated cars , was the opening of the new Promenade in 1905 .
25 The London SCCs originated in part from the Relief Committees established in 1899 by the School Board , and continued by the LCC until they were renamed in 1907 when the Council put into effect section ( 1a ) of the Education ( Provision of Meals ) Act 1906 , which called for the establishment of Canteen Committees .
26 This was not only a matter of pride but was also done to conform to the old City by-law which called for the cleansing of pavements by 3 p.m. each day .
27 Occasionally his job as a private insurance investigator allowed him this privilege but there were occasions which called for him to dress more formally .
28 In Medieval times the Benedictine monasteries had a rule which called for ‘ the care of the sick to be placed above and before every other thing , as if indeed Christ were being directly served in waiting upon them ’ .
29 The outcome was a programme for ‘ The Living Wage ’ which called for an incoming Labour Government to undertake a massive redistribution of income through family allowances , better social services and increased social security benefits , all paid for by taxing the , rich .
30 The people and Government of Mexico take pride in supporting what came to be known as ‘ The Declaration Of Stockholm , ’ a key component of which called for declaring the 5th June World Environment Day .
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