Example sentences of "they consider a " in BNC.

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1 For these people , the last word in radical chic is Brut Soap-on-a-Rope ; they dress as though they have stepped straight from the pages of a Seventies mail-order catalogue ; they consider a good night out to be crowding into the only working public telephone box , and , hyperventilating in their over-excitement , taking it in turns to listen to the talking clock .
2 c ) Viciousness. d ) Senile degeneration — owners differ tremendously over the point they consider a dog to be no longer ‘ enjoying life ’ .
3 Hunt supporter Barbara Rich says saboteurs are a dirty , smelly bunch , but they go to great lengths to object to what they consider a barbaric ‘ sport ’ .
4 Lyrically , Live do seem to have something to say , as they consider a stream of interpersonal and social dilemmas but then , on ‘ Tired Of Me ’ they blow it : ‘ Hope is a letter that never arrives/Delivered by the postman of my fear . ’
5 If thinking is internalized argumentative dialogue , then there is a cognitive implication : theorists should be cautious lest they consider a single cognitive process , such as anchoring , without giving equal weight to an opposing counter-process .
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