Example sentences of "they should take " in BNC.

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1 Dzerzhinsky stressed that local authorities should collaborate with them , but at the centre he was adamant that they should take no part in transport decisions that had any , political implications .
2 This followed a meeting on Tuesday between editors and representatives of national newspapers , which reached broad agreement on the measures they should take to meet public and parliamentary criticism of the standards of the press .
3 ‘ I still think they should take advantage of their education , ’ retorted Flora .
4 Squawking madly in what appeared to be a family squabble over the direction they should take , they suddenly closed ranks , as if by order , and formed a perfect vee behind their leader .
5 They should take the opportunity to re-state ( without condemnation ) the Christian principle of permanence in married love , the possibilities of achieving it , with a firm indication of the social evils that issue from its abandonment .
6 In Derry they should take their politics out on to the streets and he urged an extension of direct action .
7 They of Valencia took courage at these tidings , and waxed insolent , and began to devise how they should take vengeance upon Abeniaf , and upon all those who had oppressed them .
8 It is obvious that they should take particular care to follow preventative guidelines to reduce their risk to a minimum .
9 When they reached the road which ran across the top of the village , the groom drew level and , with a nod of his head , indicated that they should take the righthand way which led to the river bridge .
10 The authority to issue cattle vouchers enhanced the power and status of a headman , but many of those assigned to this task could not see why they should take the trouble to inquire into the origins of the cattle concerned .
11 League chief Ian Cotton said : ‘ Clubs will want to give games every chance but we also feel that they should take into account their opponents . ’
12 He knew also that the human race freely chose to reject him ; it was only right that they should take some responsibility : mankind as well as God must be responsible for reversing the effects of the fall and for moving on to the mature relationship with the creator that had been ordained for them from all eternity .
13 She omitted to mention that , when they last made representations to the bookseller , Mr Pascall , he had said that he stocked the books he could sell ; and if the ladies wanted him to sell better books they should take to buying them and reading them , instead of watching television all day .
14 While Mr Kawawa gave many reasons why they should take over the newspaper , he gave no reasons why they did not .
15 Foxe describes how ‘ Master Tyndale , a man of no great stature ’ , was courteously persuaded to walk ahead , whilst the tall and comely Philips behind him pointed over his head ‘ so that the officers who sat at the door might see that it was he whom they should take ; as the officers that took Master Tyndale afterwards told Poyntz , they pitied to see his simplicity when they took him . ’
16 If the college authorities were concerned about the students ' health , it was suggested that they should take action to improve their average daily diet .
17 Maybe they should take a leaf out of horse racing 's book and introduce starting stalls. : - .
18 If it is necessary for the expatriate couple to learn a new language , the course should provide them with details on where they might go or the steps they should take to achieve this .
19 Raphaelo Florienborque , leader of the Phantasms , joked that maybe they should take that phrase literally .
20 The bad normative applications of evolutionary theory to ethics which were made by Spencer and others also , of course , involved a lot of bad evolutionary theory : if normative lessons could be drawn from Darwinian theory , there is certainly no reason why they should take the form suggested by Social Darwinists .
21 The first was how schools should deal with AIDS ; the second , what attitude they should take to ‘ alternative lifestyles ’ .
22 At the same time they should know how to order the right meal and whether , when work is done , they should take their client to the opera or a night club or let him go home .
23 Inherent in some of the criticism made of ACAS conciliators … is the assumption that they should take a more positive , rights-enforcing , stance .
24 Men were more likely to regard it as natural that they should take science .
25 The Act also contains guidance for the courts as to the factors which they should take into account in deciding whether any of the statutory exceptions to the presumption in favour of bail apply in a particular case .
26 They should take responsibility for designing shifts and accept that shifts should be changed rather than discarded if they do not work .
27 His first job was to calculate when they should finish , how long they should take to plough the whole field , each man ploughing at the rate of three-quarters of an acre in one day .
28 She pointed to the turn-off they should take .
29 There was a dry , raw whiteness to the sky and when , at last , Caspar stopped to consult the maps and discuss with Fenella which road they should take , his breath formed a vapour on the air .
30 I think they should take things a lot more slowly and live apart , ’ she says .
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