Example sentences of "they are doing " in BNC.

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1 Cliff said , ‘ I am pleased to support ACET in the world they are doing .
2 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
3 Choose your coach with care ; be sure that they know what they are doing for the theatre and actor of today .
4 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
5 ‘ You will be saying next that that is what they are doing in France .
6 I listen to the World Federalists and the Communists talk about One World and The Brotherhood of Man and how much they are doing to bring them about .
7 These readings are intermittently illuminating , if reductive , and basically they are doing what criticism has always done , which is to interpret the works of the past in the terms and concepts of the critic 's own age .
8 A lot of my friends are pleased that the company is doing the job they are doing .
9 All they are doing is making a lot more money out of a lot more misery . ’
10 ‘ Clubs will get on the box , ’ he says , ‘ if they are doing well and at home to one of the big boys .
11 They believe that the current slaughter policy is a political expedient designed to allow ministers to show that they are doing something to curb food poisoning .
12 ‘ Bluff ’ is a recipe which consists of giving the impression to the public that the police know what they are doing when they do not .
13 When young supporters chant ‘ We 'll be running round Pompey with our willies hanging out , singing I 've got a bigger one than you ’ , or some other scatological rhyme , slightly changed to fit the time and place , they are doing nothing new .
14 Rather than recognise points about themselves that need changing , what they are doing is changing their partner for a new one .
15 Determined not to repeat past mistakes they are doing things differently this time round .
16 And if retailers do indeed start charging less for cash purchases than for those bought on credit cards , ensure that this is precisely what they are doing and not merely surcharging credit card users .
17 ‘ If we comb through our stories and one encounters with wild whales and dolphins , we find that they seem to hang together along a shining thread — that whales and dolphins know what they are doing , that their actions are purposeful , and stunningly specific to the occasion , that they intend us no harm , that they are aware .
18 Japanese firms prefer to conspire rather than compete with each other , complain American rivals , and now they are doing it in our own backyard
19 So when the Japanese cut production in a slumping market , as they are doing this year , these high overhead costs are spread over fewer chips .
20 INVESTORS , traders , bankers and managers often operate with only a partial model in mind about why they are doing whatever it is they are doing , and what principles lie behind it .
21 INVESTORS , traders , bankers and managers often operate with only a partial model in mind about why they are doing whatever it is they are doing , and what principles lie behind it .
22 Black films remain small beer ; they are doing little to shape the movie business .
23 Suppose you are on drugs and you know what they are doing to your body but you ca n't break the habit .
24 They can not begin to know what they are doing .
25 And yet they are under enormous stress when they are doing their best work .
26 There are no doubt directors who claim — whatever the reality — that they are doing this kind of thing already , albeit with less lavish resources .
27 Both companies claim the new versions make personal computers easier to use with icons — graphic representations of objects — on the screen to let people visualise what they are doing .
28 But it occurs to me that if they are having sex with their patients ( or clients ) regularly , this may well be the only useful thing they are doing for them .
29 But sociologist Jean-Claude Kausmann has found out what they are doing with it in private in a major piece of research that takes the lid off the French marital laundry basket .
30 Very few of them , however , visit the backward , disadvantaged areas of these countries , and it is even less usual for them to be asked to share their own experience with those who are working there and comment critically on what they are doing .
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