Example sentences of "they [modal v] come " in BNC.

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1 After two fumbled attempts Dostoevsky lands with a leap upon ‘ Il faut être prêt , voyez-vous ’ — he gave me a meaningful look — ‘ chague moment — they may come and take me , and phew ! — a man has disappeared ! ’
2 In the anxious and eventful late 1980s and 1990s , they may come to represent , like All Creatures Great and Small in Britain , a less confusing past with simpler , deeper values .
3 They may come and have a look at the baby , but the singing , the gathering together at night — it is all women .
4 In a letter to Arthur Greeves , he said that Warnie and Mrs Moore liked each other , ‘ and , I hope , as W. gets broken into domestic life , they may come to do so still more : but in the interval mere is a ticklish time ahead and in any case it is a big sacrifice of our …
5 With your permission , they may come to me after church . ’
6 An unsuccessful fishing is a most discouraging event to the dwellers in these remote western isles : hundreds leaving every year for the east coast ; when fortunate , they will be able to bring home with them , after clearing all expenses for board , etc. , more than enough to pay the rent of their crofts ; but in a bad year they may come away in debt to the curer .
7 The words ‘ I ask you , son , to care for the lands which will come to you with your usual diligence and look after them so that they may come to your sons ’ , although they do not sufficiently express a trust but advice rather than obligation to leave the lands , are none the less regarded as having the force of a trust in favour of the grandsons after the death of their father .
8 They may come in handy .
9 They may come in in little pieces , but if the pieces can be stuck together the results usually show inside of their first forty-eight hours .
10 Some animals feed on living plants ; even if no animals come at first they may come later if plants begin to grow in the microhabitat .
11 They may come out with oddities , and again we may judge this negatively or positively .
12 They may be older , they may have different qualifications , they may come from a family background where entering higher education is not a traditional path to a career .
13 They may come to believe that their thoughts , feelings and actions are under the control of an external force ( thought disorder ) .
14 Knowing that these and similar things are being said , in order to commemorate past deeds , so that they may come to the notice of future generations , I have not been able to hide the struggles of the wicked or the lives of those who have lived righteously , even in much uncultivated speech .
15 They may come from a variety of backgrounds such as sales , marketing and technical and should be briefed upon a number of areas beforehand :
16 Perhaps they may come to us if they 're going over to see Blanche and Tracey .
17 They may come up tomorrow , I do n't know .
18 I think that 's where they meet , I mean they may come from all the place but it 's the Judges Guild and I 'm due to speak to them tomorrow night .
19 And apparently a colleague of mine gave a paper this morning saying that Kent was vulnerable to earthquakes erm even though earthquakes have not been recorded or at least not substantial ones in this country for perhaps two , three hundred years erm there is a history of earthquakes in , particularly in the sort of Colchester , Essex , Kent region , and erm the erm the historians and the pundits tell us that erm they may come back again so perhaps we ought to reinforce our buildings now .
20 ‘ Borrowers can pay more when rates move up , but they must come to a branch to make a specific request to do so . ’
21 Mam said they 'd ordered two daily papers , and they must come down to collect those . ’
22 He denies his readers the pleasure of feeling superior , too : they must come to terms with Sylvia and her kind , who are not so rare as is commonly supposed , and a novel is a good place in which to begin the process .
23 They can try The Fleece if they must come and stay here .
24 For the planners ' part , they know that they must come up with good results to make up for the inadequacies of the previous strategies .
25 This buys them an extra round while Thadeus hesitates , in which time they must come up with something more to prevent him from attacking after this initial hesitation .
26 ‘ Then they must come along . ’
27 So , on the one hand , people are encouraged to reclaim traditional practices while at the same time they must come to terms with the abandonment of other , often related , traditional conceptions .
28 The ideas are there ; now they must come out of academe and into the clinic .
29 To a large extent they must come " naturally " " ( Beck 1990:50 ) .
30 Fear slowed his thoughts , and grudgingly granted him one consolation : at this speed they must come out at the bottom a damn sight faster than they went through at the top .
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