Example sentences of "but [art] chances " in BNC.

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1 The weather was overcast but the chances were the rain would hold off .
2 It remains to be seen how the XM stacks up against traditional executive fare , but the chances are that it will be too exotic for the British palate .
3 The story of Elton John meeting his songwriting partner Bernie Taupin through a small ad in Melody Maker is one of the music industry 's most famous legends , but the chances of two developing talents — a music writer and a lyricist — being brought together to form a successful partnership are n't good .
4 But the chances of Paris opening the decade with a momentous show were always dashed when the Germans held back the three most significant new cars still due this year — the new Audi 100 and BMW 3-series in a matter of weeks and the Mercedes S-Class by months .
5 But the chances of a future Messiaen , Boulez or Cage being nurtured at the comprehensive seem slim .
6 But the chances are that the momentum of this week 's success will carry his Christian Democrats to victory in West Germany 's election in December and then in all of Germany next year .
7 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
8 Dr Jean Coope , in Menopause , advises : ‘ You may not think the stranger is the perfect son or daughter-in-law , but the chances are that your children know who will suit them better than you do , and the sooner you accept this fact , the happier your family will be . ’
9 It is not always possible to say precisely which kind of eyes these are pretending to be , but the chances are that in most cases they are mimicking the forward-facing eyes of birds of prey .
10 Operations to reverse sterilisation do exist but the chances of success are not high and depend to some extent on the type of sterilisation operation carried out originally .
11 Now you 're one of a pair , it does n't mean that you have to do everything together , but the chances are that you will want to spend a lot of your spare time with each other .
12 But the chances of such a realignment happening seem slight .
13 There were two more floors above this in the keep , but the chances of Balliol having gone upstairs rather than down were remote .
14 The Bundesbank meets this morning , but the chances of a German rate cut are remote .
15 Mr Speed , who lives alone , said he did not think the Chancellor 's general taxation measures would have a serious affect on his standard of living — but the chances of finding work had not improved either .
16 But the chances are you 'll be heading for the hills next weekend , and according to the Countryside Commission for Scotland , almost 100,000 of you will be doing so in Scotland !
17 We could borrow one easily enough from a lifting vessel or salvage tug but the chances are high that he 'd know nothing about explosives .
18 But the chances of these considerations occurring still seem slim .
19 After the first turn it 's down to luck , the Fanatic could go anywhere , but the chances are you 'll either block the enemy or hit him hard for at least one more turn .
20 In the modern age he is expected to lead and the people look to him for solutions to their problems , but the chances of his being allowed to do what he needs to do are negligible .
21 We shall do our best , of course , to hold the Residency against them , but the chances are that we are now too few to be able to do so For this reason all the wounded , the ladies , and the children must be taken to the banqueting hall tonight , together with water , powder , cloth , and indeed every single object that might come to our assistance .
22 But the chances are , too , that if at the beginning you saw yourself as writing a crime novel and no more , then you will have spoilt the novel you eventually turned out to have produced , as well as causing in a good many of your readers a subtle feeling of disappointment .
23 The overall rate of social mobility increased during the period but the chances of working-class youths reaching the top positions have not only been always lower than those of young people of higher socio-economic family backgrounds , but these differences have not changed over the years .
24 Those who do not reach this level but are pretty good can aspire to a circuit judgeship eventually , but the chances of rising beyond that are problematical .
25 But the chances are it will still be there , and the evidence is that it has existed in a recognizable form throughout human history , everywhere in the world .
26 But the chances are that even if all the paintings were traced , the Philippine Government would never recoup even a fraction of the money spent on them , because she was so regularly duped .
27 I do not want to disappoint the hon. Member for Eastbourne , but the chances of a local income tax are nil , because his party does not have a cat in hell 's chance of ever being returned to government .
28 ‘ We have , of course , put out feelers to the usual quarters about where the supplies came from , ’ said Milton , ‘ but the chances of finding the source of such a small supply are very slim indeed . ’
29 Without these elements progress can still be made but the chances of record loss and the expenditure of effort will be that much greater .
30 That 's about a busful , but the chances of ever getting everyone in one bus to a Leeds game are virtually nil — unless the Travel Club starts all-in deals via New Zealand , Australia , Canada , the USA , Israel , Sweden , Norway , Denmark , Germany , Dublin , Liverpool , Congleton , York and Bradford .
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