Example sentences of "but [art] police " in BNC.

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1 But the police … ’
2 But the police force she joined in 1963 was a very different and difficult place in which to be ambitious .
3 But the police have killed 46 people in the past five years , including 12 last year .
4 But the police have two eye-witnesses to support their charges against the women , whom they describe as ‘ sporadically employed ’ .
5 But the police harassment did not stop with the imprisonment .
6 But the police continued their enquiries into the activities of the PIE , and in 1980 two other members of the group were brought to trial at the Old Bailey .
7 The mayor did not respond , but the police did , although they took no action and the caravan stayed put for twenty-four hours .
8 ( b ) A name is provided , but the police officer has ‘ reasonable grounds for doubting ’ that it is genuine .
9 She managed to get the services of a highly respected Birmingham solicitor , a Mr Warner , but the police still refused to let him near his client .
10 But the police made no attempt to contact any of them , for the obvious reason that such evidence would have been a severe embarrassment to their preconceived ideas .
11 He remembered his uncle rushing in to borrow his grandfather 's gun , but the police fortunately intervened before a riot ensued .
12 But the police car shrank in his rear-view mirror , and the lights stayed off .
13 But the police need to stay ahead of all crimes in this increasingly lawless society .
14 We scattered the pack three times , doing nothing illegal , but the police escorted us all day and one sab was threatened with arrest for shouting too loud .
15 Earlier on Friday evening there was trouble at Colchester United 's match with Cardiff City at Layer Road , but the police do not believe the assault was football-related .
16 But the police never thought to ask if there was one missing , because the lady of the house was fast asleep in bed , was n't she ?
17 But the police ought to know .
18 But the police are already complaining about their poor pay and the fact that they are armed only with handguns .
19 A white , middle-class widow sets out for the hinterland in search of her maid 's son ; but the police have found him first .
20 " But the police did n't get you . "
21 But the police had been called so everything had to be done by the book .
22 His death was accidental , but the police would never believe that , and so they came to their terrible decision , to cut the body up and hide it .
23 ‘ It is clear that when the section 8(6) procedure comes into operation it is for the police officer to make the decision whether the sample to be provided shall be a sample of blood or urine , but the police officer must convey to the defendant that the sample to be required may be of either blood or urine and must give the defendant an opportunity to consider which sample he would prefer to give if the choice were his and any reasons he has for that preference .
24 So we 're parking illegally but the police actually have almo they 've said they will turn a blind eye to it if providing that we all do it sensibly and without and face like in the line of the traffic .
25 But the police could never catch him .
26 She still dealt in stolen goods when she got the chance , but the police were less interested in stolen goods than they had been in the more law-abiding times of some years before .
27 The strikers ' blockade of Orgreave was a precisely planned operation , but the police responded , sending in riot squad reinforcements to match the 5,000 or more pickets , and that was the trigger for some of the worst violence of this lengthy dispute .
28 The ITN version suggests that the pickets are still largely to blame for the violence , but the police contribution to disorder is given more emphasis than in the BBC 's bulletin .
29 McCurbin died of asphyxiation from pressure applied to the neck , but the police who arrested him said that they thought he was faking as he struggled for life .
30 We had robbers but the police found the stuff they nicked . ’
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