Example sentences of "'s attitude to " in BNC.

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1 Fairly early in Take a girl like you , Patrick delivers himself of an unqualified condemnation of women , which is followed by a sentence from the narrator concerning and presumably condemning Patrick 's attitude to Jenny at that stage , as a girl to be taken and left : ‘ He wanted more than his share of her before anybody else had any . ’
2 But at its start there were two great threats : the economic recession and the Thatcher Government 's attitude to nationalised industry spending limits and investment criteria .
3 The first indications of the new 1979 Conservative Government 's attitude to investment became apparent when BR sought approval to build an additional seven HST sets to cope with the first flush of growth following the launch of 125mph services on the East Coast main line the previous year .
4 On the other hand , his account of Pound 's attitude to Fernand Léger is new to me , and fascinating .
5 Letter : Labour 's attitude to homosexual law reform
6 The apparent indifference seems to have spread to Lendl 's attitude to the remainder of this year .
7 He argued that if a jury had the benefit of ‘ this further evidence ’ it ‘ might take a very different view ’ of Mrs Sutcliffe 's attitude to deals with the Press .
8 He said the White Paper failed to indicate the Government 's attitude to the judges ' response to the Green Papers .
9 Although Eurotunnel 's attitude to Trans Manche Link , the contractors ' consortium , was more conciliatory yesterday than has been the case , there are still important differences to be settled .
10 The ambiguity of Jacques Chirac 's attitude to the National Front helped destroy his bid for the Presidency last year , and with it the credibility of the opposition to President Mitterrand .
11 The attention to detail displayed by Fox reveals much about New Zealand 's attitude to the game , nothing being left to chance .
12 Cather 's attitude to writing , Lee points out , is central to these contrasts .
13 One of his secretaries Colville tells us that Churchill 's attitudes to clergymen had a touch of King Henry II 's attitude to Thomas Becket .
14 It was after this critique of Lawrence 's attitude to the modern industrial civilization and the savage world , joined to his own prophetic Christian stance towards his own time , that Eliot returned to London and the writing of The Rock .
15 In three respects at least D. H. Lawrence 's attitude to homosexuality was typical : first , he seems to have been able to accept it only in an idealized and spiritual form ; as Paul Delany puts it , he wanted not a lover but a spiritual brother .
16 There is , however , a valuable article by Andrew Thorpe on Henderson 's attitude to the crisis .
17 Marx 's attitude to the numerous anthropological works which came out between 1860 and 1880 was therefore in part one of shared enthusiasm for evolutionary theory , but also in part one of suspicion .
18 William Assheton 's attitude to the design of the conversion was based on the view that although the building might function as a house , it ought still to be recognisable as a church .
19 Speaking his mind about the medical profession , even waging war on the architectural establishment , was a very different matter from denouncing the government 's attitude to pollution .
20 Speaking at a press conference later about the Bonn government 's attitude to accepting existing borders and renouncing any territorial claims , he pointed an accusing figure at Chancellor Helmut Kohl for his recent plan for reunification .
21 According to Ms Li : ‘ Most people are fairly cynical and fairly resigned about the UK Government 's attitude to Hong Kong .
22 The devil in such details could come to infect Germany 's attitude to the EC as a whole .
23 Over coffee and NHS apple crumble in the staff canteen , watching the West Indian cooks quietly stir the carbohydrates , she describes the staff 's attitude to the opted-out hospital trust as ‘ bitter indifference ’ .
24 I said that I believed it would now be right to give some indication of the Government 's attitude to the building of a tunnel .
25 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
26 And though the whole cult was largely founded on a pout , a posture , a rear view of ponytail and hindquarters and some carefully arranged shower curtains , sheets and wet clothing , the significance of it was that a young woman created a new lifestyle indisputably of the Fifties in which she took a man 's attitude to sex .
27 Or rather , showed that a woman 's and a man 's attitude to sex could henceforward be one and the same .
28 In this section I will look in some detail at the DUP 's role in recent illegal demonstrations and marches , the party 's attitude to law-breaking , and the complex relationship between the DUP and working-class loyalists .
29 But even Masha , who 's very reticent , confessed her desire for Liubov — which was remarkable considering our country 's attitude to homosexuality .
30 Jeff 's attitude to Cicciolina can be shockingly normal — in a predictable male way .
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