Example sentences of "'s claims to " in BNC.

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1 It rose to its highest point of 5.4 per cent in 1984 , falling back again to 4.7 per cent in 1988 , and with a threat of a further decline to the lowest point since the Second World War of 4.4 per cent in 1989 — despite all the Conservative Party 's claims to be the party that looks after the defence of the realm .
2 However , apart from a continuous and fairly boring trickle of snide remarks in the gossip columns ( mainly digs at Morrissey 's claims to a celibate lifestyle ) , nothing of any real harm was seen in print .
3 By one of the great ironic twists , the club 's claims to aristocracy hinged on the moods of a working-class roadsweeper from Glasgow .
4 While the Danzigers could ignore neither Poland 's claims to historic rights , nor the Versailles arrangements , the fact was that Danzig was sitting on a potential gold-mine .
5 The gig sold out months ago and , despite EMF 's claims to be moving away from the teeny audience , Silverfish are forced to open the show a good two hours earlier than normal to accommodate the expected exodus of punters heading for an early bedtime .
6 The house he inherited was subsumed , and no one can doubt the distinction of the new entrance front , Marot 's claims to which are clarified by Gervase Jackson-Stops .
7 And Raymond of St Gilles attacked the Rouergue immediately on the death of its countess , married to Robert of the Auvergne , rather than allow his family 's claims to her lands to be forgotten .
8 Despite Louis VI 's military aid , Clito died of wounds received in battle , and Thierry 's claims to the county were upheld .
9 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
10 Paradoxically , this provided for the possibility of voluntary unemployment , an anathema to the capitalist class , and so the conditions under which men 's claims to maintenance from the state were met were such as to weaken male work incentives as little as possible , and ideally to discourage men from making a claim at all , except in the direst circumstances .
11 Women 's claims to maintenance from the state have been subject to different constraints .
12 Women 's claims to maintenance , however , are still derived less from their labour-market activities or the state and more from the men to whom they are married ( or with whom they cohabit ) .
13 The next day , Dr Ralph Shaw publicized Richard 's claims to the throne in a sermon at St Paul 's Cross .
14 From there in Michaelmas 1317 the cardinals promulgated a two-year truce , but since they would not recognize Bruce 's claims to the Scottish crown he ignored their pronouncements and prepared to launch another attack on the north of England .
15 This is the most important of the political rights and is the basis of women 's claims to equal citizenship with men .
16 Men 's and women 's claims to social security income maintenance have been subject to different assumptions .
17 Overall , women 's claims to maintenance from the state both determine and are determined by their relationship to their families and the formal labour market .
18 Although the bishopric of Nin was abolished and the Latin rite eventually triumphed in Croatia , Grgur Ninski 's assertion of the individuality of the Croat nation provided a spiritual sanction to Tomislav 's claims to kingship .
19 The 1962 Cuban missile crisis severely damaged the USSR 's image in Latin America , and Moscow 's claims to be seeking peaceful coexistence were further undermined by Castro 's outspoken advocacy of guerrilla warfare and his stated policy of support for such endeavours in Latin America ( see chapter 4 ) .
20 A second and more serious line of criticism is that the empress 's claims to real enlightenment and concern for the welfare of her subjects are shown to be a hollow pretence by the intensification and geographical extension of serfdom in Russia during her reign .
21 Finally Catherine 's claims to be a genuine enlightened despot can be impugned , like those of Frederick II , on the grounds that she was merely carrying on policies inherited from her predecessors .
22 But the rest of A View is formulated to transform readers ' approval to Irenius without loosing Spenser 's claims to be pursuing the Irish question in an impartial philosophic way .
23 Victory meant , conversely , that in all the negotiations of the subsequent two years , Charles 's claims to Aquitaine were never in dispute .
24 Alexander Bain 's claims to fame are twofold : first , he patented the automatic electrochemical recording telegraph in 1843 ; second , he is often confused with his more famous contemporary and namesake who was professor of logic at Aberdeen University from 1860 to 1880 .
25 The next day , Dr Ralph Shaw publicized Richard 's claims to the throne in a sermon at St Paul 's Cross .
26 The first involved bolstering the CFLN 's claims to legitimacy , both in French eyes and in the view of foreign governments and publics .
27 I have listed the activities of American women artists at some length , because in spite of Thompson 's claims to the revolutionary nature of Arte Povera and European hegemony , artists in Britain in the 1970s were focused on America .
28 He said Downey must have known his sister , despite Downey 's claims to the contrary .
29 Mr Burge 's claims to the title ( to get the votes his pupils had to write down his name separately all 18,000 times ) were strongly backed by his headmaster , David Youldon who could have been a campaign manager .
30 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
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