Example sentences of "'s marriage to " in BNC.

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1 If Pound had attended to Thomas Hardy 's marriage to Florence Emily Dugdale within two years of the death of his first wife , Emma , there can be little doubt that this is the verdict he would have passed on the transaction .
2 In Beaumont and Fletcher 's The Maid 's Tragedy , Melantius , approving his sister 's marriage to his best friend , tells her : ‘ Sister , I joy to see you , and your choice/You look 'd with my eyes when you took that man ’ ( i. ii .
3 If her own marriage had been the result of some matchmaking , so too was Andrew 's marriage to Sarah later that year .
4 James II 's marriage to Mary of Gueldres had the attraction of providing him with a queen who came from the great artillery-making centre of northern Europe .
5 That a sufficient number of influential Scots initially entertained the idea of Mary 's marriage to Henry VIII 's son shows immediate awareness of the problem , and the preferred solution : marriage into a foreign royal house rather than into a Scottish aristocratic family .
6 Edward 's marriage to Mrs. Simpson took place in France in June of 1937 .
7 Most of the daughters ( except Rose , who lost an eye ) soon married , but Minnie 's marriage to Abe Greenbaum came to an abrupt end when she did a ‘ bunk with Claud ’ — a doctor she met on a visit to London .
8 The comic duo , soon to star in Branagh 's new film Peter 's Friends , are seen setting sail for New York in Episode One to escape Bertie 's marriage to the unspeakable Honoria Glossop , but danger lurks among their fellow first-class passengers .
9 Queen Victoria had been overjoyed at her son the Prince of Wales 's marriage to Alexandra , because of the increasing scandal of the Prince 's bed-hopping and association with women of loose morals .
10 There was a real bond of friendship and understanding between many of the great churchmen of this age and leading warriors ; it would be a nice point to decide whether the happiness of St Margaret 's marriage to King Malcolm of Scotland ( see p. 210 ) was more or less remarkable than the depth of St Anselm 's friendship with Hugh of Avranches , the first earl of Chester , the savage hammer of the Welsh .
11 A long relationship with the local police began two weeks after my Mother 's marriage to George Fisher ( no Cinderella story is complete without a wicked step-parent . )
12 The account of Vortigern 's marriage to Hengist 's daughter is first mentioned in the early ninth century Historia Brittonum , formerly attributed to Nennius ( where however Rowena is not named ) .
13 MOST MOVING DEMISE : Coronation Street 's Ted Sullivan , who died of a brain tumour after less than a year 's marriage to Rita Fairclough .
14 TENNIS ace John McEnroe 's marriage to Tatum O'Neal looked well and truly over yesterday .
15 They say she procured her daughter 's marriage to the king by sorcery and has committed all manner of other crimes . ’
16 It would please me , Joan , when the time comes and my daughter 's marriage to Prince Richard is completed , to find you a suitable husband .
17 Then in the event of a change of monarchy , Anne 's marriage to Prince Richard could , since it was as yet incomplete , be annulled .
18 There is also Christian — another of Don 's children , who lives in Copenhagen and was born , by another woman , after the musician 's marriage to Moki .
19 And the Princess Joanna 's marriage to David Stewart was to be declared null and void , since both had been mere infants at its celebration , and the princess free to marry whomsoever her royal brother selected , Balliol himself being glad and privileged to wed her if this was his Lord Edward 's will and choice .
20 Well , maybe that 's how Dean Martin remembers it all , but Sinatra 's marriage to Ava Gardner had finished in 1952 and he did n't marry Mia Farrow until 1966 .
21 He had him killed after John had criticised Herod 's marriage to Herodias , the wife of his half-brother Herod Philip ( Luke 3:19 ) .
22 After Diana 's marriage to Charles , her father , Earl Spencer , always created a festival of fun for his grandchildren a few days early .
23 The amazing scene took place in September 1989 , on the eve of Diana 's brother Charles 's marriage to Victoria Lockwood .
24 Australia 's Nationwide News agreed to an out-of-court settlement over an article about Jane 's marriage to farmer Alex Makim .
25 The architect 's marriage to the eccentric Lady Emily Lytton might have been a basis for social success , but , in fact , she was too shy to help his career .
26 Prussia had a dynastic interest in the same question , as Bismarck recognized when he opposed Alexander 's marriage to a Prussian princess : ‘ English policy ’ , he said , ‘ has an interest in our being on bad terms with Russia , and a Prussian princess on the Bulgarian throne would be a fairly sure way of achieving this . ’
27 The crown prince 's marriage to Masako Owada on June 9th will be marked by a national holiday and widespread television coverage .
28 Mary 's marriage to Henry had certainly taken place by February 1381 , and Thomas might well have done what he could to prevent her marrying , but Froissart casts Thomas as a villain in his account of English politics in Richard II 's reign , and not every detail in the story should necessarily be accepted at face value .
29 Margaret 's marriage to either candidate required a papal dispensation , for both were within the forbidden degrees , and Charles put pressure on the Pope to refuse a dispensation for Margaret to marry Edmund Langley .
30 A few months before Margaret 's marriage to Philip of Burgundy Charles V had also gained an important victory in the Iberian peninsula .
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