Example sentences of "'s attention to " in BNC.

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1 May be , but it is also surely the duty of someone like Mr Chatrier , as a leading official of an organisation responsible for the continuing prosperity of tennis worldwide and at all levels , to draw everyone 's attention to such dangers .
2 Mr Forte said the present trading difficulties had at least one benefit — in drawing the Government 's attention to the industry .
3 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
4 The collapse of Drexel has drawn the public 's attention to over-borrowed companies struggling to service high-yield debts .
5 Ever since November 1989 , the White House has been doggedly nominating daily ‘ points of light ’ in an attempt to draw the nation 's attention to outstanding examples of voluntary service .
6 Scots law treats as murder killings with ‘ wicked recklessness ’ , a phrase which directs the court 's attention to the circumstances of the killing .
7 Out in the Mojave Desert , the movie world 's attention to detail did n't wash as well .
8 There was no point in calling Mrs Browning 's attention to the deeper implications of her statement — she would only take it ill .
9 McDonald 's attention to high standards in this area is not a debatable point .
10 By introducing a per capita tax , it was the government 's aim to draw every adult 's attention to exactly how much their local services were costing and to encourage them to assess whether they were receiving value for money .
11 Reproducing these features encouraged skill in draughtsmanship : it also drew Hardy 's attention to the abundance of detail and sheer exuberance of Gothic style , characterised by Ruskin as ‘ fancifulness , love of variety , love of richness ’ .
12 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
13 Coleridge himself long believed that he was born on 20 October , but his father , with a clergyman 's attention to such matters , recorded in the parish register that the true date was 21 October ‘ about eleven o'clock in the forenoon ’ .
14 Promotions aim to attract the customer 's attention to a new product or range of products .
15 Thus , it may be desirable to draw a patient 's attention to any inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour ( e.g. a therapist pointed out to a patient that the latter insisted that he wished to tackle some problem in his home yet arranged to go out every evening with his friends ) .
16 Indeed , the judge had directed the jury 's attention to the final minutes of the film , which depicted a couple making love in explicit anatomical detail , some of which was photographed in close shot .
17 The 1959 obscenity test is one of effect , which directs the jury 's attention to the extent to which a work tends to encourage such feelings of aversion or revulsion rather than of corruption or depravity .
18 A wall mirror in the painting area can stimulate the children 's attention to natural symmetry .
19 Her presence and interest doubtless affect the children 's attention to similarity and difference .
20 When paying for your wine , you do n't need to draw the assistant 's attention to the Multibuy the saving is automatically credited to your bill , even if the bottles are not entered into the till consecutively .
21 However , the Road Traffic Act of 1982/3 did not allow for Zone signs to be introduced even on a temporary basis , so it was necessary for an information sign to be erected at every junction , showing not only a 30 km/h speed limit , but also drawing the driver 's attention to the changed priority ( right before left ) .
22 A definite tick in the margin here for the quality of the fretwork ; I was impressed by SGC 's attention to this important , and often hurriedly-finished feature .
23 But while Kaohsiung 's attention to quality is not unique to Yamaha ( and we should n't forget that lower rejection rates also benefit the manufacturer , translating into lower cost per unit ) , their pioneering attitude , honouring quality above all else , has helped raise the standard of Far Eastern guitars to levels which would have been unthinkable only a few years ago .
24 From 1782 to 1786 the headmaster was William Taylor , who seems to have been responsible for directing Wordsworth 's attention to poetry .
25 Ironically , the deal is a victory for Mr Bush 's attention to foreign policy , an issue on which he campaigned during his re-election battle .
26 A Labour Party spokesman , however , has got round this little difficulty by asking the company 's current auditors and their predecessors what they did to draw the public 's attention to the problem .
27 The first forcibly draws the reader 's attention to the changing costing scene that has placed traditional costing systems in the dock .
28 As the train approached the main line , from the sidings , the locomotive 's second man drew the driver 's attention to the shadowy figure of a tramp walking along the line in front of them .
29 Nowhere in my diary do I mention this physical discomfort , and even now I ca n't remember it as amounting to pain , although I do remember the school doctor drawing the matron 's attention to the extensive bruising on the softer parts of my body .
30 The aim of the paper was , it said , to draw the minister 's attention to the way ‘ UK Ltd ’ was helping Iraq ‘ often unwillingly but sometimes not ’ to set up a major indigenous arms industry .
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