Example sentences of "'s commitment to " in BNC.

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1 The provisional IRA 's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant — loyalist alliance , which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term ‘ the British ’ , is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious .
2 It is a reflection on the ITF competitions , the television exposure , the prestige of these events , and also on the Marketing Department 's commitment to excellence in servicing the needs of our sponsors .
3 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
4 A new station at Lake ( near Shanklin ) on the Isle of Wight showed NSE 's commitment to retaining the railway on the island .
5 Mr Scargill said Labour 's commitment to strengthening environmental protection would ring hollow with the electorate without a target date for eliminating nuclear power .
6 Ron Todd , Transport and General Workers ' Union general secretary , was applauded as he reaffirmed his union 's commitment to unilateralism .
7 Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets but they appeared to underscore the Government 's commitment to holding up the pound .
8 The National Executive Committee was warned that watering down the party 's commitment to sexual equality in the policy review , out of a fear of losing votes , could backfire .
9 However , Gerry Collins , the Irish minister for foreign affairs , later made it clear that progress had been made and he reaffirmed his Government 's commitment to the Anglo-Irish agreement .
10 Mr Patten will also outline the forthcoming ‘ green Bill ’ , underlining the Government 's commitment to environmental protection in the wake of his decision to reject a proposal for a new town at Foxley Wood , Hampshire .
11 The move takes the glitter off President Bush 's call at the United Nation 's last month for immediate steps to ‘ halt and reverse ’ the worldwide threat of chemical weapons , and indicates that Mr Bush 's commitment to a poison gas ban is not so ‘ extraordinarily strong ’ as he and his advisors have declared .
12 Mr Lawson 's reaffirmation of the Government 's commitment to a strong pound coupled with discreet intervention by the Bank of England also helped to underpin sterling .
13 Mrs Thatcher was at pains to emphasise the Government 's commitment to the National Health Service .
14 In the context of the folk model of policing in Northern Ireland , the RUC 's commitment to , and implementation of , community policing becomes an important test of the reality lying behind the commonsense image .
15 It is the management 's commitment to the principle of neighbourhood policing which affords Easton 's unit the autonomy and time to devote themselves to work other than crime control .
16 Speaking on behalf of may walkers and climbers , the British Mountaineering Council ( BMC ) argue that the resignation shows a clear crisis of confidence in the government 's commitment to nature conservation .
17 Roy Hattersley 's testament , Choose Freedom ( 1987 ) , emphasized Labour 's commitment to equality as the guarantee of pluralism , tolerance , and personal freedom .
18 Conversely , for Hans Mayer , Genet 's commitment to inversion makes him deeply conservative : ‘ Genet 's books are the exact opposite of a literature of indignation and rebellion .
19 Opinion surveys showed that public ownership won few votes for Labour and that even many loyal supporters disapproved ofthe party 's commitment to further nationalization .
20 Kaunda 's commitment to a multi- or non-tribal society eventually alienated Kapwepwe whose support base lay much more firmly amongst the Bemba .
21 Under capitalism the market and the desire to accumulate wealth appear to be a sufficient basis for social interaction and for regulating communal life ; things and impersonal economic mechanisms have replaced people 's commitment to each other while ‘ the ancient conception in which man always appears ( in however narrowly national , religious or political a definition ) as the aim of production , seems very much more exalted that the modern world in which production is the aim of man and wealth the aim of production ’ [ p. 84 ] .
22 Having succeeded to Britain 's traditional role as the maritime power , the US this century has inherited Britain 's commitment to the balance of power in Europe .
23 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
24 The moves will be seen as further evidence of Mr De Klerk 's commitment to a political , rather than a military , solution to the country 's long-running crisis .
25 Calling the deportation a sovereign act , Mr Capobianco said the move was ‘ a demonstration before the international community ’ of Bolivia 's commitment to the war against drugs .
26 They detect something phoney in Mr de Soto 's utopia of consensus , and something unconvincing in Mr Fujimori 's commitment to it .
27 One witness had disappeared , two more had been intimidated ; doubts were aroused about the ANC 's commitment to the rule of law .
28 Even green western Germany has been put to shame by Japan 's and America 's commitment to lead-free petrol .
29 I told the conference that I had not come into politics to preside over the destruction of the National Health Service and repeated the Government 's commitment to it .
30 But a sign also of God 's commitment to his world .
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