Example sentences of "'s reaction [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A measured degree of crushing pressure had been applied , and Jenner had noted the animal 's reactions on a Richter-like scale of his own devising : loud crying , sweating paws , panting .
2 These are John 's reactions on hearing what he thinks to be someone else in his apartment block .
3 Today 's reactions to events in Hungary and the GDR , tomorrow 's response to Austria 's already-submitted application for EC membership or to Turkey 's determined membership claims , can all too easily foreclose long-term options .
4 The horse 's reactions to its environment are more likely to be consistent , reasonable , judicious , moderate , and practical .
5 the process of the research is briefly described , an analysis of some of the findings is offered and the team 's reactions to the research are discussed .
6 Aware of how precarious his position was , and still clinging to the Entente as the only hope in the shifting pattern of the European system , he had taken the unusual step of sending Eugénie to visit Queen Victoria at Osborne in the July of 1867 in order to find out the Queen 's reactions to the situation .
7 Participation in the affairs of State and open discussions of political matters must now be tempered by the need for survival between the testing conditions of competition abroad and what results from the State 's reactions to these conditions , the resentments of the population at home .
8 We 've seen Pete 's reactions to disappointment .
9 Because temper tantrums , aggression and verbal abuse often feature in children 's reactions to being thwarted , they will be the subject of my discussions on how to cope more effectively .
10 There are numerous instances of volunteers being asked to do things ( such as administering electric shocks to other people ) which are really social situations deliberately created to test people 's reactions to authority .
11 These poems are probably set in Somerset , but as most of Wordsworth 's social observation is directed towards the inhabitants of the Lake District , it would be as well to consider the economic history of that area in some detail before proceeding with Wordsworth 's reactions to the poverty and despair around him .
12 Noticing people 's reactions to my words
13 Other similarities between the suicide and the anorexic seem to me to relate to the individual 's reactions to an impinging world .
14 Thus , while Piaget emphasised the importance of the child 's actions upon the world , other researchers have focused upon the child 's reactions to other people and the interactions which occur when adult and infant act and react towards each other over a period of time .
15 This letter was only the beginning of a case with a long history , and by piecing together a number of disjointed fragments of information we can obtain an unusually clear picture of the sequence of events and of Anselm 's reactions to them .
16 Feelings about housework are a question of the experience of doing housework and one 's reactions to it ; orientation to the housewife role involves the issues of self-concept , gender identity and subcultural norms of feminine role-behaviour .
17 We have seen an example of this general short-sightedness in the the cultural community 's reactions to the tragedy of Los Angeles , which like other conflicts today has been attributed to purely local factors .
18 This also examined children 's reactions to a variety of inadequate messages , and proposed a metacognitive explanation of the inability to recognize message defects ( see also Shatz , 1978 ; Markman , 1981 ; Lloyd and Beveridge , 1981 ) .
19 For ten years Law had been at the heart of the party 's reactions to political events , largely because his own views mirrored those of his followers almost exactly .
20 Numbers did indeed fall to 166 in 1913 ; but the Board 's reactions to the 185 in the School in December 1914 , and the 192 a year later , are not recorded .
21 And , certainly , it is important for the creative group to be present to discuss the client 's reactions to their ideas , so as to understand why a particular point may need to be changed .
22 The Court of Appeal , with regret , rejected their claim on the ground that , although the relevant statutory provision declared a dismissal to be unfair if the reason for it was that the employee proposed to join a trade union or take part in union activities , the provision was ‘ not concerned with an employer 's reactions to a trade union 's activities , but with his reactions to an individual employee 's activities in a trade union context ’ ( Sir John Donaldson MR ) .
23 He had always thought he had no illusions about the artificiality of people 's reactions to him , but some must have taken root unaware .
24 It was a sort of round-up of people 's reactions to the petrol crisis .
25 In terms of setting up his particular theoretical perspective , Bourdieu 's reactions to structuralism have been more crucial than his response to action theories .
26 This is an important question because such a belief conflicts with the plausible assumption that intense emotion often endures beyond the situation that provoked it , and colours one 's reactions to later events .
27 Amid criticism that the government 's reactions to the troubles had been slow and their position confused and biased , Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican-Voiculescu , who was leading compromise talks between the HDUR and the UVR on March 22 , assured crowds in Tirgu Mures that the government 's commission of inquiry would be objective but would seek the " resolute " punishment of those found guilty of instigating the unrest .
28 They tend to communicate in a form of shorthand based on this common database and can to some extent predict each other 's reactions to normal situations .
29 One of Churchill 's reactions to the fall of France was to put into effect his long-brewed plan to vent his anger and frustration on his secret services .
30 Economists are interested in the economy 's reactions to such changes because society 's ability to purchase goods and services may be affected .
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