Example sentences of "'s letter to " in BNC.

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31 I read with amazement Sir Alexander Leith 's letter to you in this morning 's press .
32 Minton 's letter to The Listener was published on 12 January 1950 .
33 In deciding to impose the restrictions set out in paragraph 4 above , the board also gave weight to the fact that according to Norwich Union 's letter to the Chief Executive of 18 October 1990 , that company had no contractual power to suspend the Winchester Group pending the conclusion of the investigation in the absence of Lautro intervening under rule 7.3 .
34 My two friends had found Orlick 's letter to me , which , in my hurry , I had dropped in my room in London .
35 After he had bowed himself out of the room , Cynthia remained behind and , taking pen and paper , took down Dorothy 's letter to ha dictation .
36 Recent productions like Ian McNamara 's Letter to Allan Border and Mike Brady 's The Game is Not the Same Without McGilvray slot alongside the revived Our Don Bradman and Our Eleven ( 1930 ) , both sung by Art Leonard , and Bradman 's How It 's Done and ( piano solo ) Our Bungalow of Dreams , components of the precious old 78rpm of 1930 , of which so few copies survive .
37 The involvement of the northern king is confirmed by Pope Vitalian 's letter to King Oswiu ( HE III , 29 ) .
38 Aethelbald 's association with these councils does not give the impression of a king so totally outside contemporary conventions as Boniface 's letter to him seems to imply .
39 That this was a matter of interest and concern in Northumbria in the early 730s is clear from Bede 's letter to Ecgberht in 734 in which Bede expounded at length on the necessity for more bishops and a proper organization of the Northumbrian Church under an archbishop at York .
40 He is almost certainly to be identified with the Osbald of Alcuin 's letter to Aethelred and perhaps with the Osbald who burnt a ‘ patrician ’ of King Aelfwald in 780 .
41 There is no reference in the report to Offa 's undertaking to Theophylact and George to send money every year to Rome for the support of the poor and provision of lights , the details of which are known only from Pope Leo 's letter to Coenwulf in 798 .
42 I 've spoken to her — and seen the contents of Beatrix 's letter to her .
43 The weary , valetudinarian tone of Flaubert 's letter to Louise Colet about the sunsets was not a pose .
44 He passed the solicitor 's letter to Dougal , who glanced through it .
45 Over the past few months , we have been following a series of sermons on the last few chapters of Paul 's letter to the church in Rome .
46 Nietzsche 's letter to the authorities at Basle included one cryptic sentence which we have still to mention : " I shall be able , soon enough , to show publicly my competence for an appointment in philosophy . "
47 My growing interest in politics , however , was reflected in Eliot 's letter to me of 4 January 1937 :
48 The full text of 's letter to principals and its accompanying paper is given on pages 2 , 3 and 4 .
49 Other 18th-century works purchased this year included Thomas Brewer 's A Journeman [ sic ] Shoemaker 's Letter to a Certain Right Honourable [ Edinburgh ? , 1757 ] , a rare broadside , apparently unrecorded , which complains about the quality of the leather used to make the shoes intended to equip the recently raised regiments of Highlanders destined for service in the British colonies in America ; and the Letter to a Member of Parliament , Concerning the Subject Matter of the Equivalent [ London , 1719 ? ] , an extremely rare pamphlet relating to the financial background to the Act of Union between Scotland and England .
50 I sent a copy of the Minister 's letter to Mrs. X and she responded a few days later on 20 October .
51 Mr. Collins 's letter to my constituent , which is extremely clear , states : ’ In the case of the rail link , there would have been no proposal to build a terminal , were it not for the need to provide one for the Channel Tunnel rail link .
52 Chairman 's Letter to Shareholders
53 If this is so , there is considerable point to Beverley Halstead 's letter to Nature in which he argues that academic publication of the research results should be a requirement before the award of a Ph D , ( as is the case in some countries and institutions ) .
54 Otto 's letter to the pope ( asking Innocent to influence the sixteen princes in their decision ) , which is included in the RNI , is the only evidence we have of communications between Otto and the pope before 1200 .
55 Gould 's letter to Prince , dispatched shortly after a two-day jaunt into the interior of the island of Tenerife , was apparently no less exhilarating .
56 It was not until 22 April 1844 that Gould passed on Sturt 's letter to Lord Derby with a cursory recommendation , and then only , it seems , after Lord Derby had mentioned the subject first .
57 As Paul 's letter to Titus reminds us , ‘ But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared he saved us : not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy .
58 It is possible that Richard 's letter to York did mark the beginning of a planned chain of events but that something then forced his hand and he found himself having to deal with Hastings before his plans had matured .
59 News of Richard 's letter to York may have leaked out and alerted Hastings .
60 Avitus 's letter to Clovis suggests that this interpretation is unacceptable , since he implies that there was a genuine possibility that Clovis would opt for arianism .
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