Example sentences of "'s attention [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Belinda blurted dismissively , disturbed to find that Tom had been aware of at least some of Greg 's attentions to her that evening .
2 Ali 's cutting edge was his intellect : not only was he a renowned sportsman of brilliance , but he also commanded the world 's attentions through his insight , sarcasm and satire .
3 When the older woman strained to attract Fru Møller 's attention for more coffee , Elisabeth was sure that she could hear seams ripping apart and press-studs popping .
4 Ivy and Margaret smiled , and we all agreed that it was remarkable that An Adventure had held so many people 's attention for so long .
5 Associated Nursing Services ' 1991 accounts , described by one analyst as ‘ weird ’ , were brought to the Panel 's attention for two reasons .
6 Notes on a lesson are often of a vague and impressionistic kind , which makes it almost impossible to draw the kind of inferences needed for our purposes , while those particular instances that are recorded are often atypical , having caught the observer 's attention for that very reason .
7 ABC Fun Keys will certainly hold your child 's attention for long periods and this quality program will certainly be a worthwhile addition to your child 's education programs .
8 Chairman I 'd just like to vote this man 's attention for one brief minute on Appendix A , er the situation analyses from the work that will go into the Highways Committee service plan .
9 They described the person they claimed was the agent in sufficient detail to direct Derek 's attention towards a particular individual .
10 Broadly speaking , elite analysis directs the researcher 's attention towards socio-political determination as opposed to economic determination .
11 You must get the attention of your audience right at the start of the speech — then hold the audience 's attention during the speech .
12 This omits the details on Mildred , but adds , in a way reminiscent of chapter 5 of the 1027 Letter , that Cnut was most acceptable to the emperor , and says that on landing he hurried to St Augustine 's to offer them rich gifts — no doubt including the gold plate which he took from his treasures and held aloft to attract the saint 's attention during the storm .
13 Proving that the negligence caused loss is likely to be difficult because of the uncertainty of the results of that independent investigation : and the party making the allegation might have the damages reduced for contributory negligence in not having drawn the matter to the expert 's attention during the course of the reference .
14 Kleiman divided his reader 's attention between an auditory task and a word-judgement task , to investigate the interfering effect of one upon the other .
15 This punctuation would have made some difference to the reader 's processing of the sentence ; [ 14 ] in particular would have made the " click " seem a matter of importance and surprise in its own right , dividing the reader 's attention between the two events , instead of making him see them as integral parts of a whole .
16 I said well I apologize for sending all that sir , I said , but I said it was the only way to get somebody 's attention of what was going on !
17 May be , but it is also surely the duty of someone like Mr Chatrier , as a leading official of an organisation responsible for the continuing prosperity of tennis worldwide and at all levels , to draw everyone 's attention to such dangers .
18 Mr Forte said the present trading difficulties had at least one benefit — in drawing the Government 's attention to the industry .
19 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
20 The collapse of Drexel has drawn the public 's attention to over-borrowed companies struggling to service high-yield debts .
21 Ever since November 1989 , the White House has been doggedly nominating daily ‘ points of light ’ in an attempt to draw the nation 's attention to outstanding examples of voluntary service .
22 Scots law treats as murder killings with ‘ wicked recklessness ’ , a phrase which directs the court 's attention to the circumstances of the killing .
23 Out in the Mojave Desert , the movie world 's attention to detail did n't wash as well .
24 There was no point in calling Mrs Browning 's attention to the deeper implications of her statement — she would only take it ill .
25 McDonald 's attention to high standards in this area is not a debatable point .
26 By introducing a per capita tax , it was the government 's aim to draw every adult 's attention to exactly how much their local services were costing and to encourage them to assess whether they were receiving value for money .
27 Reproducing these features encouraged skill in draughtsmanship : it also drew Hardy 's attention to the abundance of detail and sheer exuberance of Gothic style , characterised by Ruskin as ‘ fancifulness , love of variety , love of richness ’ .
28 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
29 Coleridge himself long believed that he was born on 20 October , but his father , with a clergyman 's attention to such matters , recorded in the parish register that the true date was 21 October ‘ about eleven o'clock in the forenoon ’ .
30 Promotions aim to attract the customer 's attention to a new product or range of products .
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