Example sentences of "that either [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is hardly any modern authority which suggests , as did the judges in Clarence , that either a wife can unilaterally in certain circumstances withdraw her consent , or else that the ambit of consent is restricted so that a wife is not deemed to consent to her husband where his conduct is egregious .
2 Gravelle ( 1985 ) points to an implicit assumption which , when relaxed , gives rise to one of them : " that either no managerial effort is required to reduce costs or that such effort does not yield disutility to managers ' ( p. 115 ) .
3 One discussant then commented that it is not an either/or situation , that is , that either the government or the community should take sole responsibility for it , but it should be a responsibility shared by both government and community .
4 It is that a person who takes another 's car ‘ can escape liability to tougher sentences only if he or she can show , on the balance of probabilities , that either the aggravating event occurred before he or she committed [ the basic s. 12 offence ] , or that he or she was not present at the relevant time . ’
5 It would appear , for example , that either the statement in the that Molla Kestelli was kadi of Istanbul at the time of the death of Molla Ala'al-Din Ali b .
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