Example sentences of "as possible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was essential to get the engine to pieces as soon as possible to stop further corrosion .
2 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
3 Laura found other themes in Victorian novels to bolster what she already believed ; for example the home was viewed as a haven isolated from the trials and tribulations of the ‘ real ’ world and women presiding over the home were to make it as attractive as possible to persuade men to stay there rather than , for example , drinking in a pub all evening .
4 Any parishioner who would like to be present should phone Valerie Belton as soon as possible to see if a coach ( or two ) should be booked .
5 It 's easy to criticize but when an audience grows to this size , there is the responsibility of allowing as many fans as possible to see the shows .
6 He 's stuck it in his shop window because he says it 's so ridiculous he wants as many people as possible to see it .
7 He 's stuck it in his shop window because he says it 's so ridiculous he wants as many people as possible to see it .
8 ‘ So on that basis I am really encouraging as many people as possible to call in to look round .
9 The political will came at a critical time when it was very necessary to keep the food costs component of the total wage bill ( including the foreign exchange component ) as low as possible to allow rapid and profitable industrialisation .
10 Please remember to send the direct debit form to this office as soon as possible to allow time for it to be processed for the May instalment .
11 Women in developing countries are generally undereducated because young girls are often taken out of schools as early as possible to allow their mothers to work whilst they take care of younger siblings .
12 Cavity treatment should be delayed for as long as possible to allow the injected solution to remain in contact with blood and other body fluids and care to avoid spillage should be exercised when carrying out drainage .
13 Cohen had meanwhile made a surprise afternoon announcement to the press in London that the US government was " recommending that the forces of the EPRDF enter the city as soon as possible to stabilize the situation " .
14 The committee recommends that the boards of all listed companies should comply with the code and encourages as many other companies as possible to aim at meeting its requirements .
15 Required to reduce their academic staff by anything up to twenty per cent , they responded by persuading as many people as possible to take early retirement and freezing all vacancies .
16 It was as if they had left it as late as possible to take maximum advantage of credit .
17 We pay the employer as little as possible to take the trainee in the first place and then charge him as much as possible to train the trainee on his behalf .
18 They 've got two thousand seven hundred pounds in the deposit account , erm , they 'll be applying to Sidmouth town council for a grant , er the reason for the grant , they 've asked for two hundred and fifty , is to sponsor as many cadets as possible to take part in activities at Haven Banks .
19 Now this use of a formula , making the , the formula as pliable as possible to take in all these different themes , seems to me very interesting , because it seems to me a point at which popular literature , erm or the so-called easy dividing line between popular literature and high art , becomes very difficult to judge , very fuzzy .
20 The letter and questionnaire were as simple as possible to maximise the response .
21 In an attempt to change that , the Census Bureau has launched a vigorous campaign to get as many people as possible to answer its questions .
22 She wished so far as possible to respect in her dominions the rights of the provincial estates , the greatest bastions of resistance to change .
23 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
24 We need to attract as many people as possible to enjoy a good day of movement at the Training Taster Days at Bedford College on 28 April — on 9 June and on 16 June .
25 The male red-winged blackbird attempts to attract as many females like this one , as possible to nest in his territory and , although the female would prefer his sole attention , she will share him with several other females if the territory is good enough .
26 Now on the seventeenth of September Mr met Peter on the defendant 's firm er for the first time at his office , where they had er a general discussion about the business and about what needed to be done in order to secure it and er the plaintiffs at that stage told Peter that there should be er no problems over finance as he understood the bank were willing to assist and at that stage he wanted to move as quickly as possible to exchange contracts on the business erm , for two reasons .
27 A postdoctoral research assistant is required as soon as possible to join an active research group working on novel nonlinear optical techniques for combustion diagnostics .
28 I 'm a Labour Party member and I would urge as many people as possible to join in , but I also recognize that many people feel membership demands the time and commitment that they have n't got .
29 ‘ We want as many Mini owners as possible to join the convoy , come for the weekend or just take part in the tour that Sunday . ’
30 Mr Swann has challenged Darlington Environmental Watch ( DEW ) to get as many people as possible to join the ambitious worldwide Tree of Life project .
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