Example sentences of "as she usually " in BNC.

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1 He suspected she 'd shoplifted it , as she usually had some small item in a plastic bag , too .
2 She usually found those , though , just as she usually found any cash or letters that he 'd hidden from her .
3 I could well imagine her lecturing : she would be wearing a mortar-board and gown perhaps , her head on one side as she usually held it when talking ; and her eyes would be twinkling , as she held forth in that clear , incisive , ‘ educated ’ voice of hers .
4 I suspect that Mum is angry about this , as she usually relies on me in the summer to look after my younger sister while she is at work .
5 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
6 In the bedroom above she dropped the linen onto a chair ; then , going to the window , she stood looking out , as she usually did , over the chimney pots towards the river .
7 Aggie pointed to the seat at the front of the cart , and immediately Millie had done so , she gripped the iron frame of the seat , heaved herself on to the first step , then , almost with a lunge , on to the seat ; but this time she did n't say , as she usually did , ‘ I 'm past this ; I 'll sit on the back in future and you 'll take him , ’ but she jerked the reins and put the pony into a trot .
8 She took it through to the lounge and laid it on the rug and at first I was amused But I could see all was not well because she sat as she usually does , but for a long time — over half an hour — then she lay down like this and she has n't moved . "
9 Refusing to cower behind the racks as she usually did , she walked boldly along the centre aisle .
10 She refused , as she usually did .
11 She did n't look quite as natty as she usually does !
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