Example sentences of "as constitute [art] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from fraud , and certain exceptional cases , damages could be obtained only if the representation were fundamental , so as to constitute a condition , or must be ranked as a warranty , collateral to the main contract , such as a statement concerning the soundness of a horse .
2 Suppose now that we cut a number of adjacent bonds so as to constitute a crack , then of course we have interrupted the flow of stress in the broken chains and the load in these broken chains has got to go somewhere ( 1c ) .
3 By this we mean a change which is so wide-reaching and so fundamental in its effects as to constitute a dramatic alteration of the status quo .
4 Firstly , we have ‘ a state of affairs that is so acute as to constitute a danger ’ — and , we would add , a moral challenge of a scale which makes it one of the most pressing social issues of the day .
5 That is whether a report prepared by an employee valuer without due care and skill is a breach of contract by the society so as to constitute a ground of complaint within paragraph 1 ( a ) Part III to Schedule 12 .
6 Often it will be worded so as to constitute a contract of indemnity under which the dealer must make good any loss suffered by the finance company in the event of the customer defaulting on his payments or terminating his agreement .
7 It may be argued , therefore , that the loss of exchange rate changes as a policy instrument does not involve a cost sufficiently significant as to constitute a convincing argument against the creation of the European currency union .
8 The only parts of the experimental area where there are no facilities for cyclists are in those residential streets that are sufficiently lightly and slowly trafficked as to constitute no danger to cyclists sharing the roadway with cars .
9 My conclusion of the strength of her faith is that her convictions are in fact not so deep-seated or so fundamental as to constitute an immutable decision by her as to her way of life — or her way of death .
10 If the company has more than 50 members then , unless the register is kept in such form as to constitute an index of names of the members , such an index must also be kept in the same place as the register .
11 This approach sees classical and ultra-modern theories as constituting a sound tradition from which the Cartesian emphasis on consciousness constitutes an unfortunate aberration .
12 If after a reasonable period of time has elapsed , the Insurer having examined all evidence available , has no reason to suppose other than an accident has occurred , the disappearance of an Insured Person shall be considered as constituting a claim under this policy .
13 Thus , if a patient who is aware of the nature of his condition and competent to make a decision refuses further treatment from his doctor , then continued treatment is unlawful , as constituting a battery or a criminal assault .
14 I suspect that this may reflect the thought of the Secretary of State , in his insistence on retaining A levels as constituting a ‘ standard of excellence ’ .
15 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
16 The role of the jurists was to determine whether a new wording should be interpreted as constituting a trust .
17 As bass notes were reproduced very weakly , the bass line was often attributed to the tuba , which had more higher-frequency harmonics ; these could be recognized on playback as constituting a ‘ bass line ’ .
18 As far as I could discover , there is no suggestion that the residents in the defined area for our research see themselves as constituting a socially relevant or meaningful whole .
19 Nothing in this Agreement or in its operation shall be interpreted as constituting a partnership or joint-venture between and .
20 It is relatively easy to see myths as constituting a discourse that provides knowledge for members of a culture of the world around them .
21 Conceptually this mistake can be pointed out by indicating that unless the rules in question had important relevance to central areas of human concern we would not think of them as constituting a system of law .
22 But the Buid also view themselves as constituting a sort of animal ultimately destined to provide a feast for a class of spirits after death .
23 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
24 There was a new pattern of industrial relations , a new range of religious and social agencies , a new democratic politics , and a whole host of leisure-time activities and preoccupations that have been identified by historians as constituting a ‘ popular culture ’ .
25 The pope came nearest to a characteristic post-conciliar viewpoint over social justice ; here indeed his major encyclicals could be regarded as constituting a high-water mark in ‘ progressive ’ concern , even adopting elements of a Marxist analysis beyond any of his predecessors ; he was also , very moderately , ecumenical , though he showed little interest in the theological implications of an ecumenical agenda .
26 It defines the actors as states and sees the main processes in international relations as constituting a search for security .
27 Not unnaturally , it has always been traditional to see the years to 1360 as constituting a period unfavourable to France : the initiative lay largely with the English , and it was mainly the French who were on the defensive .
28 A crucial difference , of course , between the " real " model of reality and the " mock reality " of fiction is that the mock reality does not exist apart from the message by which it is conveyed : this is the case , at least , if we regard a fictional work in its entirety as constituting a single message .
29 Scholars can now be considered fortunate if they manage to find " one unworked field " , Three years later , McKerrow describes this great period as constituting a " revolution in literary history " in the course of which everything previously taken as axiomatic has been questioned or disproved .
30 The reaction of parents to infants , and of friends to the speech of those who are gravely ill , is to attribute meaning to any murmur which can be interpreted as relevant to the context of situation , and , if at all possible , to interpret what appears to be being said as constituting a coherent message , permitting the hearer to construct a coherent interpretation .
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