Example sentences of "as [pron] reached " in BNC.

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1 As I reached the road the jeep roared off with its dead and wounded , leaving in its wake the usual cloud of dust .
2 As I reached the door the woman smiled and said something in French which I did not understand .
3 As I reached the edge of the woods and stopped playing , I turned round and waved to Colonel Young .
4 As I reached the changing room again my heart was thumping inside my chest .
5 It felt like my wrist , but could n't have been , and as I reached the surface of consciousness , it was jerked from my hand and I was rocked fully awake by suddenly unburdened bedsprings as my Pop leapt from my bed to stand beside me .
6 As I reached for the fallen picture he said to me , ‘ That door 's gooin' ter fall off its 'inges one of these times . ’
7 As I rounded Ardmair Bay , the sky was bright but as I reached the scattered cottages and crofts of Strath Kanaird , none with an invitation to halt or stop , ominous yellow clouds formed overhead , obviously heralding a storm , and when Stac Polly came into sight , there was a spiralling column like a tornado above it .
8 The rain came as I reached the drive of the hotel , set amongst trees , and I ventured along it in search of shelter .
9 Nine struck as I reached the dining-room .
10 As I reached the end of the student union building I looked back and gave a little finger-wiggle .
11 Dumping the monster hide as I reached the bottom of the shaft , I hurried away along some disused-looking passages , by then moving on bootless , bare and blistered feet .
12 I closed my eyes in reverence as I chewed then as I reached for the pint pot again I looked up at the small figure on the bin .
13 A letter to Rohde contains , half-way through , the sign " N.B. " and , at the end , the following : " At the point marked N.B. , a message came calling me into town as soon as I reached the foot of the page ; now returned , I am trembling all over and can not free myself of it even by pouring out my heart to you .
14 As I reached the entrance to the lift the iron concertina gate clattered open .
15 As I reached the landing I heard Mrs Quigley say , ‘ We 're having the patio done .
16 Fenella must have heard me , as she appeared at her door as I reached the first landing .
17 So each one got a little harder as you reached the end of your tour ’ .
18 Marie turned back to look at Bella as she reached the door .
19 Mungo asked , as she reached the stairs .
20 He heard the bolt slide from the attic door , then her tread on the stairs and the muffle of voices as she reached the upper room .
21 Smallfry was smiling sweetly as she reached for Frankie 's sleeve and eased him in the direction of the door .
22 Franca surveyed her long athletic bare legs and the smudge of the scar on her knee as she reached up to the high shelf of a cupboard .
23 ‘ Maybe , ’ he said , sitting on her side of the bed as she reached for a woman 's magazine , ‘ maybe I 'm gay ! ’
24 Just as she reached it , she heard voices on the other side of the hedge .
25 She was tucking in the sheets at the wall side , and blowing the hair out of her eyes as she reached over .
26 As soon as she reached the open deer-park she ran , and she hardly paused until she came to the broad track that sloped down to the marsh , smiling and vivid green in the late afternoon sunshine .
27 Then , just as she reached the edge of the road , Miss Clinton flashed by .
28 As she reached the gate at the farther edge she could see right under the low bridge — and as she looked she saw the van turn the bend at the top of the short hill leading to the bridge , and increase speed down it .
29 She found quite a rare one just as she reached the other edge of the wood .
30 Up the tree she had decided to make a dash for home as soon as she reached the ground , without giving the witch a chance to grab her , but now she did n't do it .
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