Example sentences of "had to cope with " in BNC.

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1 As the party of property the Conservatives had to cope with an electorate dominated by the propertyless , the advent of British socialism and the apparent threat to property posed by a reform-minded Liberal party .
2 The skipper of the Lady Hamilton also had to cope with a bird 's nest on his reel halfway through the fight and had to strip off yards of line before he could resume the battle .
3 Stuck behind Patrese , Berger had to cope with high water temperatures and a loss of power until a fuel pump failure caused retirement on lap 37 .
4 The people there not only had to cope with the incidents themselves but living down the bad reputation .
5 After three years , during which he had to cope with the death of his youngest son , Mr Mathew was denied leave to appeal against the March 1984 judgment .
6 Soon , one field was not enough , and the request ‘ all in a good cause ’ — spread to Jane 's two other fields , so the horses , most of which did not belong to her , had to be moved to a farm , and she had to cope with angry owners .
7 Women had to cope with the dark , smelly ‘ cabinets ’ and first invite the rats to leave through the crumbling rusty holes .
8 Stanley also had to cope with epilepsy , a fairly common complication following a stroke .
9 Anyone with a spark of humanity would want to help a poor girl left defenceless and hard up , especially when she had to cope with the rearing of a young child , single handed .
10 Gradually , as time passed without this return occurring , Christians had to cope with a world that continued to exist , its end being postponed to an indefinite future .
11 Bennett himself had a couple of chances late in the half , but the visitors also threatened as Alton 's defenders had to cope with the bright sun in their eyes .
12 They too had to cope with it .
13 One of the big changes we had to cope with , was learning to write with pen and ink .
14 It did seem that the main force squadrons in other Groups had more casualties than we did , partly because they had to cope with fully awakened defences , gun and searchlight crews as well as fighters , after PFF had done their job , and perhaps also because they had a higher proportion of new , inexperienced crews who were usually the first to come to grief .
15 Ardrossan harbour , still small and geared more to handling cargo , had to cope with large-scale passenger traffic .
16 The women , too , had to cope with all the household duties , including feeding men and hired hands with appetites honed by constant fresh air and exercise , with none of the labour-saving aids which most women took for granted .
17 In a survey by Childcare Vouchers of more than 400 working mothers , 72% of nanny-users said that childcare problems were among the most stressful they had to cope with .
18 The fewer people he had to cope with , the better .
19 But she had to cope with a foreign language too .
20 Rural communities were still the main focus for most Japanese , but even rural communities had to cope with the exigencies of the drive to industrialize .
21 Presidents in their dealings with congress had to cope with some extraordinarily powerful leaders .
22 The tasks of the poor law became more complex as parishes had to cope with , for example , trade recessions and outbreaks of infectious diseases , each affecting large numbers of people in the new towns and cities .
23 The period continued in the 1950s with the operation of the planning system proving capable of responding to a range of local situations , before , in the 1960s , it had to cope with the pressures of a housing boom , commercial redevelopment , a feared city thrombosis through increase in traffic circulation , and renewed problems from regional disparities .
24 ‘ Freda- through-the-wall ’ was her nickname for her neighbour whom she frequently invited in , particularly when she had to cope with a sticky social situation .
25 As a member of the cabinet which had to cope with the Irish famine , Clanricarde pressed hard for remedial measures , pointing out that from time to time ‘ an adherence to sound principle will cause an immediate sacrifice ’ .
26 Special mention has to be made of staff serving the Regional Chambers and headquarters who had to cope with more than the usual pressure ! ’
27 Unfortunately , ’ she went on , her voice heavy with sarcasm , ‘ he never actually got round to marrying my mother so , on top of everything else , she had to cope with the stigma of an illegitimate child . ’
28 Margaret had to cope with Tom in the mornings , and Gina sat in the long silent room and watched the visitors who came round , talking in hushed voices as if the pictures would be offended , or the artist was hiding somewhere .
29 There they had to cope with an IMF adjustment programme which involved savage public spending cuts .
30 Vietnamese Communism had to cope with the problems of economic reconstruction in an area devastated by the years of war , and also with the integration of the South into the methods of social administration and economic management that were used in the North .
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