Example sentences of "had met the " in BNC.

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1 He said he had met the man , whose bona fides he had checked .
2 He said he had met the man , whose bona fides he had checked , in a Belfast hotel , and had been told his group held 64 separate documents relating to IRA suspects in the Irish Republic .
3 Det Insp Brian Welfare , of Sussex CID , said that he had met the university 's residential advisers to alert them to the risk to other students .
4 William White had worked in the office of the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott , during which time he had met the famous church architects G.F. Bodley and G.E .
5 By the end of his visit he had met the owners of several Phoenix-based construction companies and a trade delegation is to visit Kuwait .
6 He brought with him , among others , the new Communist Transport Minister , Charles Fiterman , whom I had met the previous week .
7 Barrie had lost his youth , but he , too , had been happy , because he had met the children there .
8 I was glad I had met the Mulhooleys .
9 Not a few men lost teeth because they had met the big man at the wrong moment .
10 To be fair , he had spent some time in the cities of North Africa and , as one might do in similar urban areas of Britain , he had met the worst of the indigenous population .
11 Mr. Blacker said that council officers who had met the committee were aware of problems in the area .
12 He was a gentle little man rather like the steward from the Bremen whom I had met the night before .
13 Hall reported to Palmerston on the same day that he had met the architects ‘ in conclave ’ to discuss the competition conditions , and was happy to say that he had arranged them very satisfactorily .
14 Thus , The Times of 17 December 1990 reported that a group of 40 of the most senior Civil Servants had met the previous weekend to discuss ‘ ways in which the government machine could respond better to national and international problems such as the threat of global climate change ’ .
15 Since Rhodes she had known ( since he told her ) how he had met the Flemish woman in Lindos ; and had equally known ( although he had not told her ) that Katelina van Borselen had somehow been persuaded or forced into commerce with him .
16 Their local women 's group had met the day after the public meeting , and Sheila and Annie had had a fierce argument ; Sheila had been enthusiastic , Annie icy and antagonistic to the idea of wages for housework .
17 It was here that , at the Competition for the Crown forty-two years before , Edward the First of England had met the Scots magnates and set in motion the actions which ultimately led to the Wars of Independence .
18 He had met the press at a cocktail party and had stood there answering impertinent questions with disconcerting honesty , a glass of ginger ale in one hand and a canapé in the other ; when he could not immediately think of an answer he nibbled the canapé and viewed the questioner with cold button eyes .
19 Years later , when Peter Handford had met the late Derek Cross , they discussed the Somerset & Dorset line .
20 She told the National Enquirer that she had met the prince just months before the Duchess of York was snapped in intimate poses in the South of France with American financial adviser John Bryan , 37 .
21 Boyd 's 12-man team visited each of the ten pits after being told by Trade President Michael Heseltine to establish if British Coal had met the prescribed criteria for closure .
22 Fatima Ibrahim said that her union 's efforts to promote human rights and equality for women had met the full force of repression under different Sudanese governments since the early 1950s .
23 The moment the elevator doors had opened at garage level a wave of welcome warmth had met the Romanian .
24 In 10 patients who had met the criteria for ulcerative colitis in 1978 the diagnosis was later changed to Crohn 's disease ; the diagnosis was changed to ulcerative colitis in three patients who had originally had Crohn 's disease diagnosed .
25 He claimed that Japan discriminated against American firms in its public-sector procurement practices , and announced that he was reviewing whether Japan had met the terms of a 1990 agreement with America to purchase supercomputers .
26 When she was ready to retreat to a country life , she chose the place where she had met the only man she had ever loved .
27 Above all , the USA under Roosevelt 's New Deal had met the challenges of world depression without recourse to the excesses of dictatorship experienced by so many millions in Europe during the same years .
28 She had met the deceased while looking for accommodation .
29 The Federation itself had met the union 's national officials and treated them with courtesy .
30 Life had often treated her like that since she had met the Doctor .
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