Example sentences of "had met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The memory was triggered by talk of a young woman I had met on one trip who showed me Dyrhólæy and the sea pinnacles of Reynisdrangar near Vik .
2 Ernest and he had met on the golf links and both shared a love of collecting antiques .
3 After his return Mozart 's compositions included experiments with keyboard concerto writing in the form of arrangements of sonata movements of works by some of the composers he had met on his journeys ( Honnauer , Eckard etc ) ( 8 ) .
4 We had met on the previous Wednesday , to discuss business matters .
5 On the return journey from Fairbanks to Edmonton I enjoyed a two-day stopover in Whitehorse where the manager of the new cinema , whom I had met on the way north , looked me up .
6 A committee had already been formed and had met on Friday 14 January 1887 to consider proposed new premises in Edenderry .
7 If she had n't approached me first I doubt I should have recognised her , she was so different from the plump , fresh-faced girl whom I had met on the train that January morning more than three years ago .
8 He met Agnes , the brazen lady-in-waiting , whom he had met on his last visit to Kinghorn .
9 ‘ I read in the paper the other day that two people had met on the steps of St Paul 's Cathedral after fifty years or something .
10 From the first day on , when they had met on the wide steps of the strange school , they had loved one another until the last , when they left this school , never to see one another again ; and they never knew that their friendship was love , their love passion .
11 McQueen was accompanied on location by Ali MacGraw , whom he had met on The Getaway , and whose presence he admitted saved him from going round the bend .
12 Now there was longing and bitterness in his voice and she caught a glimpse of the man she had met on the boat .
13 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
14 ‘ Among them were people she had met on her earlier visit .
15 In 1906 , he married a widow he had met on his first Australian tour in 1887–88 , and after becoming secretary to Neasden Golf Club , he took £300-a-year sinecure as secretary of Queen 's Club , for his stockbroking activities had not flourished .
16 On 4 April 1579 , at the height of the debate about the proposed marriage between Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou , he reported that the Privy Council had met on each of the previous five days from 8. a.m. until suppertime .
17 He did not recognize me but I knew he was the gentleman I had met on the stairs when visiting Miss Havisham .
18 After an hour or so of that Malm changed his tack and wanted to know whom Stephen had met on that morning walk , everything he had seen .
19 She developed in the chief inspector the emotional equivalent of a skin rash , and made her wish for nothing better than to discover Christine was the ‘ friend ’ her father had met on Hampstead Heath .
20 But Dexter knew Blanche had benefited from a growing friendship with a woman she had met on a management course at the police college at Bramshill — a former commander in the Met who had taken to lecturing after a heart attack .
21 With his gruff , Cockney drawl and lack of pretentiousness , he was the first person he had met on the production side of TV London who was not part of the middle-class mafia , and who seemed relaxed and at ease with himself .
22 Soviet and Japanese delegations , led by Deputy Foreign Ministers Igor Rogachev and Hisashi Owada respectively , had met on Dec. 18 , 1989 , in Tokyo , for talks on the Northern Territories dispute [ for November 1989 talks see p. 37042 ] .
23 The group had met on Oct. 15 and had drawn up a Report on the Commonwealth in the 1990s — a synthesis of an initial Malaysian document and of a more forceful British-drafted version proposing new Commonwealth policies favouring the promotion of democracy and human rights , and stressing the need for an independent judiciary .
24 However , a special session of the Cambodian Supreme National Council ( SNC ) — the interim body established by the Paris accords to represent all four Cambodian factions — which had met on June 21 , failed in its attempt to extract a pledge from the Khmers Rouges that it would abide by the second stage of the peace plan .
25 So they might well have had convenient discussions with the N R A as late as Friday even though their letter preem the Inspectorate 's letter was written on the eighth of September and Friday of course was the day after this letter had been released to us on our request and was was two days after the Selby committee had met on Wednesday .
26 Robert recognized him now : it was the restaurant-owner he had met on the day he had brought home Hasan — Mr Khan .
27 Mr Duff said he had been approached by Libyan lawyer Dr Ibrahim Legwell , whom he had met on August 4 in Edinburgh .
28 Her own son , now an engineer with an oil company in the States , had back-packed round Europe while at university and she remembered his homecoming , his hair bleached by the sun , seemingly taller and more mature , full of tales of the people he had met along the way .
29 So we had to go to the park where we had met under the protective shade of a friendly tree .
30 As I looked at him sitting opposite me on the floor of the trench , I was fascinated by his resemblance to the other Commandos I had met over the past five days .
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