Example sentences of "had to take [art] " in BNC.

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1 So when we received persistent telephone calls from our clients asking whether we had heard that all was not well with the horse , we had to take a view .
2 There were rows of cars outside when I went , and you had to take a ticket with a number when you sat down .
3 ‘ I was so sick , I had to take a day off .
4 I had to take a lot of oddments as well , like the marble .
5 She had to take a walk down a short corridor from the main hallway , go down a few steps to the kitchen .
6 I certainly had to take a couple of unofficial breaks and we were very glad when we stopped for food and drink .
7 This was true even of the private apartments of the Imperial family , to such an extent that if the Emperor , while working late at night as he often did , wanted a book from his library , he had to take a lighted candle with him .
8 To get to their proposed operational area the convoy had to take a difficult route .
9 Sounds had to take a different tack in order to push Oi ( and boost its circulation ) .
10 It was only a four-seater plane , though , and in the end there was n't enough room for me , so I had to take a bus from Birmingham up to Dundee .
11 I said I would , but I would n't see him for a couple of days because I had to take a train .
12 ‘ I had to take a message to these ’ — she almost said gentlemen — ‘ to Mrs Felton about her youngest son ; he 's in hospital . ’
13 In between times during the day he had to take a short ladder , laid across the bike and make sure the lamps were clean .
14 Every morning before we went to school , we all had to take a bucket appropriate to our size and run a relay from the communal tap to the barrels until they were full .
15 For some reason which escapes me we had to take a taxi , and when we arrived at Helsinki airport we had to wait five hours for our flight .
16 Then she had to imagine switching on the light in that cupboard under the stairs and taking a couple of steps forward so that she was just inside — but with the door open to the hall and with the knowledge that she only had to take a single large step back to be out there again .
17 ‘ We managed to sell it as a going concern , but got next to nothing for it and had to take a massive write-off .
18 He had to take a boat to Miami , and that 's why he give me the keys to Starkisser .
19 Tolkien had to take a rather strict line over ‘ myth ’ .
20 I was told I would have to have another operation a month later , but first I had to take a course of male hormones called Danazol .
21 Some of it got into the car and irritated my eyes : I had to take a hand off the steering wheel to rub them and it was almost wrenched out of my grasp as the car lurched into a hole in the road .
22 The Daughter swung round and Jazzbeaux had to take a fall to avoid the needles .
23 In the early part of 1990 there was a run of particularly low tides , one of which resulted in a boatyard in Sant'Elena , on the north-eastern edge of Venice , burning to a cinder because the fire boats had to take a roundabout route .
24 In those days all aircrew had to take a six monthly Basic Efficiency Examination to ensure they were keeping up to date with equipment and training procedures .
25 Their ambition increased by the movement , until all forty-one were in violent motion , so violent that the Bowl began to move across the table , and Oscar had to take a firm hold of it to keep it from turning over .
26 It all made sense , the relationship between non-Aristotelian logic and the banality of the American way of life : you had to take a detached view of the culture ; you were n't in love with it and you did n't hate it .
27 This meant that to go for a crap you had to take a shovel and dig a hole which was hard work when the ground was solid .
28 I had to take a long , hard look at him before I was sure .
29 In spite of his attempts to concentrate as much work as possible into his days in London , he still found he had to take a great deal of it back to Shamley Green .
30 In the old cells you had to take a bucket of water in , get a wash , and then wash your underwear in it , in the same bucket .
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