Example sentences of "had been prepared " in BNC.

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1 Now Mr Hussein has offered the Kurds the autonomy they had been prepared to fight and die for .
2 Unless someone had been prepared to take the risk , she might have spent her childhood in institutions .
3 Harking back to ‘ the first case — that of the man whose little boat capsized when he was twenty years old , ’ he said that then he had been prepared to give but afraid to take .
4 Four weeks later the partners returned to see Mr Barnes with the news that BCCI chief executive Swaleh Naqvi had admitted that false documentation had been prepared ‘ to deceive the auditors ’ , and that he had given information about loans to BCCI shareholders secured on CCAH shares .
5 After her return from compassionate leave following the death of her father , they had been prepared to rally round .
6 Grudgingly , Brian was forced to say that he had always thought it odd , but if reticence about her past was the way his wife wanted it , then he had been prepared to accept the situation .
7 Former Spurs and England skipper Gary , 31 , had been prepared to give up his move to Japan .
8 In 1964 he had been prepared to back his hunches .
9 Like Lanfranc he had welcomed royal co-operation , and had been prepared to wait a long time for it .
10 Even after Anselm 's visit in 1079 , Lanfranc had been prepared to consign the greater part of these local saints and customs to oblivion .
11 He had been prepared to sacrifice anyone and anything to his ambition .
12 Freud came to see , later , that human beings are not predisposed to admit that they are organisms which die and are destructive any more than they had been prepared to admit that young children , under five years of age , were sexual .
13 Initially Edward had been prepared to augment Gloucester 's landed interest with further grants and had given him the custody and marriage of two local heirs , Henry Marney and William Walgrave .
14 Faced with a deepening penal crisis on the one hand , and continuing intransigence from sentencers on the other , there was growing pressure throughout the 1990s from a broad constituency — comprising not only penal reformers but also senior civil servants , prison visitors , and prison governors — for the government to accept the need for more effective techniques for the control of sentencing discretion than it had been prepared to concede in the past .
15 While I was eating , a platform had been prepared to carry me .
16 He had not been serious , and although she had thought herself in love with him at the time he had known that it would be a mistake for them to marry — even if Burun , who was her father , had been prepared to permit such a thing .
17 Once she had tried to describe these feelings to Brian , but , while he had been prepared to admit that her mother was virtually certifiable , he had given it as his opinion that her father had been a remarkable man and a fine artist and richly entitled to his eccentricities : indeed , it had been incumbent on him , Brian had implied , to flout the conventions .
18 By 1926 new and much more powerful express passenger and freight locomotive designs had been prepared to his directions and , whilst these were nullified by opposition within a divided management structure , in 1927 the Royal Scot express locomotives were introduced for principal main-line services .
19 Soviet leaders had been prepared to consider international arrangements and guarantees only on the external aspects of the Afghan problem .
20 She had been prepared to leave the restaurant at once , but Nathan had insisted they finish their meal .
21 Worse , she had been prepared to let him go on using her , had he chosen to do so .
22 Obviously Devlin Parnham had been prepared to agree to any sort of conditions to get the count to accept this mission .
23 There was just one thing she had to get hold of before she left — the only wedding present she had been prepared to accept from William Ash .
24 Did the Secretary of State read in the memoirs of Dr. Garrett FitzGerald that during the negotiations on the Anglo-Irish Agreement the Government had been prepared to allow judges from the courts in the Irish Republic to sit on the Bench in Northern Ireland as part of what are described as mixed courts , but that that was stopped because of the resistance of then then Lord Chief Justice , Lord Lowry ?
25 Apparently after two weeks of secret negotiations with prominent Croatian Serbs , Tudjman announced on July 31 that legislation had been prepared to offer home rule ( with its own police force ) to the Serbian community in the self-proclaimed " Autonomous Region of Krajina " .
26 Initially Edward had been prepared to augment Gloucester 's landed interest with further grants and had given him the custody and marriage of two local heirs , Henry Marney and William Walgrave .
27 The constricted room for manoeuvre that Friedman had been prepared to assign to monetary ( but not fiscal ) policy in affecting real variables was repudiated in the writings of the new classical school .
28 He had been prepared to put his money down then .
29 In 1989 , the wife of the " Yorkshire Ripper " was awarded £600,000 by a jury to compensate her for a false story in " Private Eye " , published eight years previously , to the effect that she had been prepared to sell her story to newspapers .
30 She had expected passion and had been prepared to bluff that away , but this was different .
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