Example sentences of "had been afraid " in BNC.

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1 Um , he said , thought a little and then said no , he did n't think he had been afraid .
2 When she knocked on the door of Back Clough Dale Cottage , she had been afraid but in control .
3 Gazzer had been afraid that she would say something like : ‘ Well , you need n't have bothered ! ’ or ‘ You and whose army ! ’
4 When they were children , she said , the villagers had been afraid of the forest folk .
5 He had been afraid before .
6 In those days , too , she had been afraid of Gareth Davis , but her fear had been tinged with an awareness of his overt masculinity .
7 At one time Robert had been afraid she would become too tall for the stage , but her height remained ideal at five foot six .
8 I had been afraid of her at Oxford where she had been a quick , intense , thundery girl who rarely bothered to talk to other women .
9 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
10 I wondered , with amusement , whether he had been afraid I might mind , might feel he was — what was the old-fashioned word ? — compromising me .
11 As time had gone by , and Constance 's conversation had made clear the depth of her friendship with his great aunt , he had been afraid to tell her , fearing exactly the reaction he had now received .
12 He had been afraid to lay her in her cot because she had wind , a Manchester inquest heard yesterday .
13 As a boy , Peter had been afraid of Hubert Molland .
14 She sounded relieved as if she , like Carrie , had been afraid to hear something worse .
15 She had been afraid that his suggestion , when it came , would have been too fraught with the unknown his room , perhaps , or else , God knows , a naked nightclub but as for the cinema , she could cope with that .
16 Even before the war was won , he had been afraid that peace might be associated only with the concept of " efficiency " , and in radio talks in 1946 he spoke of the necessity for maintaining the " spiritual organization " as well as the " material organization " of Europe .
17 That evening a knock — furtive and hasty , telling Alice who it was — brought her out to find Monica on the path near the gate , not outside the door , for the girl had been afraid that Faye might open the door .
18 Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder .
19 It was this separation of which he had been afraid .
20 Creggan had been afraid of almost everything when he first came — of the Men , of the strange sounds from the rest of the Zoo , of the people staring from the path that ran past the Cages .
21 I had been afraid he would come .
22 That was what I had been afraid of .
23 Still , he was young and she had been afraid the house would be full of only old people .
24 She had been afraid to tell Nancy 's story to Dr Losberne , since the good doctor was very excitable and often acted with more enthusiasm than wisdom .
25 All his life he had been afraid to ask about his back , and his terrible fear had made him ill .
26 The sharpness of the terror he had felt during her illness had revealed to him just how much he loved her , and once she began to recover he had been afraid that they would never again be able to talk simply as friends .
27 Now , when I read about Long John in Squire Trelawney 's letter , I had been afraid he might be the one-legged seaman that old Bill had talked about .
28 The boy 's eyes had met his own , and for a moment Pavel had been afraid ; but the boy had n't said anything , and after a moment he 'd looked away .
29 I had been afraid .
30 IN THE PAST , Sycorax had been afraid of her knowledge .
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