Example sentences of "had announce the " in BNC.

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1 Saad 's family rushed to try and have their revenge on the witness who had announced the news like someone possessed , and who cared less about Saad 's death than about convincing the whole community of what he had seen in the hut that burning noonday .
2 Earlier , East Germany had announced the solution as a ‘ humanitarian act ’ by the government , adding that it hoped Bonn in future would run its embassies ‘ in normal manner according to international usage ’ .
3 After his speech the conference clapped and cheered as if he had announced the abolition of the income tax .
4 My Minister of State , Hugh Rossi , had announced the change during discussion of a social security bill in standing committee on Tuesday morning change is still unjustly called ‘ the Rossi Index ’ — and the Opposition had protested strongly .
5 Norman Lockyer , in 1868 , had announced the existence of helium , on the basis of a spectral line in sunlight which corresponded to no known terrestrial element .
6 While Cooper and McMahon were still serving their sentences , the Postmaster General who had announced the £5000 Post Office reward money , John Stonehouse , MP , and the detective who had arranged its distribution , Commander Kenneth Drury , were themselves convicted of criminal charges and also sent to prison .
7 His introduction caused particular mirth , since a mistake by the Social Secretary had announced the title of the talk as ‘ A Look-back at Railways in Shropshire and the Border Counties ’ .
8 The Turkish government , which had announced the intended diversion on Nov. 20 , 1989 , rejected the complaint , pointing to the fact that it had increased the supply of water to Iraq and Syria by 50 per cent between November and January to compensate for the loss of water in January-February .
9 There was unprecedented Soviet media coverage : Moscow Radio had announced the march in advance and had urged " all democratically minded Muscovites to take part " , while Soviet television news showed close-up shots , not just of banners with slogans attacking the communist monopoly and party conservatives , but even of isolated placards which called for Gorbachev 's resignation .
10 In a joint communiqué issued on April 1 from Mexico City , the Foreign Ministers of Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela had announced the end of the mission for which the Contadora peace group had been created .
11 On Nov. 14 , 1989 , the government had announced the discovery of bauxite ore which would supply Saudi Arabia 's aluminium smelters and those of other countries in the region .
12 It was reported on Nov. 17. 1989 , that Sylvain Bamba , a former permanent under-secretary at the Ministry of the Interior and Justice who had been living in exile since 1963 , had announced the formation of an opposition Union for Congolese Democracy ( Union pour la démocratie congolaise — UDC ) , with himself as its chairman .
13 In the previous month the Bank of Indonesia had announced the partial deregulation of foreign exchange dealings .
14 Earlier , on July 30 , a KPRP communiqué had announced the expulsion of Ung Phan from the party central committee " due to his betrayal " , and the retirement of Chheng Phon for health reasons .
15 In order to achieve internal koruna convertibility ( meaning that firms licensed to engage in foreign trade could buy as much foreign currency as they wanted ) , Federal Finance Minister Vaclav Klaus on Dec. 28 , 1990 , had announced the unification of exchange rates for the koruna against Western currencies .
16 Earlier , on Jan. 22 , the government had announced the abolition of ceilings on the rate of interest and front-end fees for foreign private loans for new industries , modernization and replacement .
17 On April 7 Mitterrand had announced the cancellation of a further 10 per cent of Poland 's US$5,200 million debt to France , Poland 's second largest creditor .
18 In Parliament on May 2 de Klerk ( who had announced the proposed all-party conference on April 18 — see p. 38131 ) said that he intended to go ahead with it with or without the ANC , which had set a deadline of May 9 for its demands to be met .
19 In May Mubarak had announced the withdrawal of all Egyptian troops from Kuwait [ see p. 38213 ] .
20 The Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , which in May had announced the formation of a secessionist Republic of Somaliland [ see pp. 38182-83 ] , again declined to attend .
21 Earlier , the government had announced the lifting of various foreign exchange controls with effect from July 1 .
22 In May Egypt 's President Hosni Mubarak had announced the withdrawal of all Egyptian troops from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia [ see p. 38213 ] , although he had subsequently offered to reconsider the decision [ see p. 38309 ] .
23 It was reported on Dec. 3 , 1990 , that the leader of the Moslem Community Group of Ceuta , Ahmed Subaire , had announced the formation of a new political group , Iniciativa por Ceuta ( Initiative for Ceuta ) , which , he said , would participate in the forthcoming municipal elections .
24 During the NATO summit in Rome [ see pp. 38600-01 ] Romania had made known its willingness to co-operate with NATO , and on Oct. 30 had announced the renegotiation of its friendship treaty with the Soviet Union .
25 On Dec. 12 the IMF 's Managing Director Michel Camdessus had announced the creation of a new area department , European II , to co-ordinate the work of the organization with respect to new applications for membership .
26 The Middle East Economic Digest of April 10 reported that Mohammad Harbah , the Interior Minister , had announced the release of some 600 " mainly political prisoners " in late March to mark the start of Assad 's fourth term .
27 In December the government had announced the release of over 2,800 political prisoners [ see p. 38695 ] , although there had been no independent confirmation that all had been freed .
28 On March 3 the government had announced the creation of a human rights department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to examine and promote human rights in Iraq and abroad .
29 On April 13 the USA had announced the lifting of an embargo on humanitarian links with Vietnam [ see p. 38865 ] .
30 On July 17 Fareed had announced the formal entry into government of the Hezb-i-Wahdat , and on July 25 he confirmed that the government intended to retain the Shia Gen. Khodad Hazareh who had taken over as Interior Minister under former interim President Seghbatullah Mujjaddedi on June 26 .
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