Example sentences of "had join [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had joined a group who are still fixated on a classification of ‘ disorder ’ which homes in on those who attack property , ; and since the amassing of property has been a primary aim of capitalist society , it should come as no surprise to find that to prevent the dispossessed from simply taking from the élite has been the primary structuring principle of policing .
2 To prove her point , she offered the phone number of a solicitor who had joined a union just to get in .
3 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
4 I was right on both counts , but it did not really sink in for some time that I had joined a charity .
5 Within the hour he had joined a company of infantrymen from the 26th Regiment at Kahlenbergerdorf .
6 To Nora 's barely hidden horror William had joined a partnership in Northumberland .
7 ‘ Why ca n't someone on the Left ever do something like that ? ’ he remarked admiringly to Anthony Powell in 1941 , when he heard Waugh had joined a commando unit .
8 A 24-year-old ex-marine , he had lived in Russia for nearly three years and , since returning to America , had joined a pro-Castro group .
9 Raffaella and her elder brother had had to flee to the mountains after some unspecified trouble with the Germans and had joined a local band of partisans .
10 At one point she had joined a group of these elderly relatives , women either widowed , de-childed or , their men at the bar talking men 's talk , temporarily joined in huddle with sisters .
11 There they had joined a large group of sect heavies , some of whom were armed .
12 Those were exciting days and as the money began to pour in we all felt we had joined a successful crusade .
13 The 13 arrested were former members of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who had joined a splinter group led by Jeffrey Lundgren in 1987 .
14 According to the Agence France-Presse ( AFP ) news agency both men had joined a new United Democratic Front formed on June 4 by six opposition movements .
15 Eduardo Fernández , the secretary-general of COPEI ( two of whose members had joined a " Cabinet of national unity " on March 10 — see pp. 38809-10 ) , warned on May 12 that such a reduction in the presidential term would create the danger of another military coup attempt like that of February [ see pp. 38759-60 ] .
16 However , by March 16th 1921 the Palais had joined a growing list of ballrooms in a new column headed ‘ Dancing ’ .
17 They had joined a Gordian knot of vans , taxis , and automobiles that was inching forward at a pace that had set that little muscle in his jaw to knotting and unknotting .
18 She had joined a world-famous company , learning her trade well until finally starting her own business .
19 I felt I had joined an Out-in-the-Open University crash course in bird identification .
20 Such an ‘ abuse ’ was exemplified by the courts in Wheeler v. Leicester City Council where the City Council ( which had adopted an anti-apartheid policy ) banned the Leicester Rugby club from using a Council recreation ground because three members of the club had joined an English touring side to South Africa .
21 As a young army officer Prestes had joined an abortive rebellion to depose the repressive regime of President Artur da Silva Bernardes ( 1922-1926 ) .
22 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
23 But then I realised you had joined the queue of dolour — I take it from your sparkling eyes that Lucy 's dropped her drawers and flung herself into sapphic bliss ? ’
24 A good many boys and girls had joined the crowd now and shouts of laughter broke out as a few of them came out from the gate in the kitchen-garden wall , their hands full of ripe peaches , their chins dripping with juice .
25 Military sources said the Chinese-backed Khmer Rouge guerrilla group had joined the KPNLF in a pincer attack on Sisophon .
26 It appeared that a German S.P. gun had joined the snipers and was lobbing the occasional shell into the vicinity of the orchard .
27 It was before Spain had joined the Common Market and United Biscuits ' efforts to acquire a suitable company in one of the EEC countries had come to nought .
28 Catherine Crane had joined the division three months ago , creating a major upheaval .
29 She had joined the Met with three A levels and a huge number of O levels as an eighteen-year-old , then worked her way over into the CID , and was now a Detective Sergeant and ready to move up , having passed the exams for Inspector .
30 They tell of women murdered by Iraqi soldiers , because husbands or sons had joined the rebellion ; of heavy shelling of residential areas ; of summary executions of anybody suspected of aiding the rebels ; of bodies left lying in the streets .
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