Example sentences of "had be giving " in BNC.

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1 The British Eighth Army 's V Corps , where he was a staff officer , had been giving top priority to Operation Beehive , preparing a strategy to fight the Yugoslavs if necessary .
2 It was the directions that I had been giving them that I now began to consider .
3 The minister had been giving pastoral counselling to a youth with a disturbed relationship to his parents , particularly his mother .
4 This had introduced them to mechanisms which suggested a terminology applicable to their own science making it possible for them at last to give the behaviourists , who had been giving those not of their ilk a hard time , some of their own medicine .
5 The culprit was assumed to be the young woman whose charred body had been trapped by the flames ; she was identified as a feminist — funny , when PopCon had been giving money and moral support to feminist groups .
6 Although he was chary of broaching the subject of a full-time shepherd , when he did so , he found that his father had been giving some thought to the matter .
7 He argued he had been giving them a practical demonstration of his work as a ‘ psycho-sexual ’ counsellor and doctor .
8 Somehow she managed to take a proper breath , not the little shallow gasps she had been giving up to now .
9 Pilger had been giving him a hard time .
10 He sat on a huge leather chair with a sigh of relief and it was clear to Hari that his leg had been giving him trouble .
11 This comment is from a daughter who had been giving substantial care to her mother , and explained the situation thus ,
12 Apparently there 'd been this girl , Spanish or Portuguese I think , and Ollie had been giving her private lessons at his flat , and he thought she fancied him , and he 'd had a couple of Special Brews at the time and thought she was just shy , and then he tried kissing her , and it 's the old , old , sordid story , is n't it ?
13 For three or four years now , Mrs Mandelbaum had been giving free English classes in her home .
14 It looked as if somebody had been giving the place a pretty thorough airing , and it was n't too hard to guess who .
15 Cardiff could see that he had attached a microphone of some kind to the metal container which still rested on the chair and which had been giving the so-called mysterious ‘ readings ’ .
16 The laughter had stopped a while ago and , ever since , Lydia 's imagination had been giving her a hard time .
17 Which meant that he had been giving it considerable quiet thought .
18 Nurse though she was , and even though she had been giving blood fairly regularly for several years now , Belinda never liked to watch the bag fill , so she managed to hold a magazine in her left hand .
19 He hoped that I could undertake something in that line , especially in relation to Italy : for I had been giving him my impressions of the visit to Rome , which included encountering at close quarters , Mussolini , Count Ciano , and Edda his wife , and the by comparison rather puny Neville Chamberlain .
20 Well , Felipe could n't go to that woman anyhow because she was with her husband no matter what signals she had been giving Felipe .
21 Ace had been giving her conflicting messages ever since the first time they 'd met again outside her bedroom door in France .
22 It was absolutely delicious and a welcome change from the meat Marcus had been giving me lately .
23 He had indeed caught on from the bad vibes the driver had been giving out — the nervousness , the pale sweat-beaded face , the rapid eye movement towards the back seat — that something was bothering the guy .
24 Senator Jaime Guzmán Errázuriz , founder and leader of the right-wing Independent Democratic Union ( UDI ) , was shot at point-blank range by two gunmen as he left the Catholic University in Santiago , where he had been giving a law lecture , on April 1 .
25 Presumably Mr Malik had been giving her tutorials .
26 At the last , Britain 's ambassador to Constantinople abandoned the encouragement he had been giving the Turks and advised them to go on negotiating , but by this time neither Britain nor France was in a position to withdraw the backing which they had been giving the sultan .
27 At the last , Britain 's ambassador to Constantinople abandoned the encouragement he had been giving the Turks and advised them to go on negotiating , but by this time neither Britain nor France was in a position to withdraw the backing which they had been giving the sultan .
28 Surveys had shown that X-ray doses vary by a factor of 20 or 30 between different hospitals , and that about a quarter of all hospitals had been giving patients unnecessarily high doses .
29 She got a , I think she got a bit of a shock you know she actually probably thought she was better than she was and a lot of people had been giving her a lot of pats on the back and I tell you where half of that emanated from was down the corridor .
30 Ven swiftly reassured her , and — even while it was dawning on her how he was accepting her ‘ no ’ without question when she had been giving him a ‘ yes , yes , yes ’ for the past five minutes , he was reaching for her wrap .
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