Example sentences of "not to allow [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a radio address broadcast early on May 22 President Ramaswamy Venkataraman urged people to " maintain the utmost calm " and " not to allow passions to overtake them " .
2 Mr Ellis though says it would be more foolish to allow , not to allow reunification .
3 There was also much legal debate over the intention not to allow divorce unless adequate and proper provision was made for the dependants .
4 In Cigaro ( Glasgow ) Ltd. v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1983 S.L.T. 549 it was held not to be a breach of natural justice to hear only submissions and not to allow evidence to be led , where this was the practice of the licensing board .
5 The manufacturers of the aircraft , Boeing , said that they would review the report 's recommendations but stressed that the best precaution was " not to allow bombs on aircraft " .
6 If you can improve on this , so be it , but it is vital not to allow correspondence to build up and arrears to accrue .
7 It must have very clear , fresh water and therefore the water should be changed very frequently , and great care should be taken not to allow algae growth .
8 Pressure on the authorities not to send Mr Yang back to China grew on Tuesday when Amnesty International requested all its members telex John Major , the Foreign Secretary , urging him not to allow Mr Yang to be returned ‘ under any circumstances ’ .
9 Not to allow voters a referendum in Britain would be to ‘ betray the trust … they have placed in us ’ .
10 Although recent advice to mothers warning them not to allow babies to sleep on their stomachs or get too warm has helped considerably , health experts said there is no single answer .
11 He compounded the defence of his players with arrogance by saying that he 'd be asking the FA not to allow Buksh to referee any more Arsenal games this season .
12 Hence an important tool of management whose common usefulness could be judged by the essential partners to collaboration failed to provide what had appeared to be promised — and one says " appeared " because it may have been the wish of some college managers not to allow information by which their efficiency might be judged to become available to other parties .
13 He begins by allowing the possibility of schism , such as that which took place in the Roman Empire ( II , 84 ) , which implies that humans can choose not to allow totalization .
14 The main thing is not to allow resentment to build up in your thought life to eat away at your relationship .
15 First , launch aid may be seen as a pre-commitment by European governments not to allow Airbus to be bullied out of the industry .
16 Again , consistency when training is important , and it is generally better not to allow dogs on to furniture .
17 If it is thought to be preferable , this is for reasons having nothing to do with neutrality , such as a desire to bring the war to a speedy end or not to allow people to profit from wars .
18 THE giant Rank Organisation is all set to fight a planning authority decision not to allow caravans to remain on a site forming part of the Butlin Starcoast World holiday centre near Pwllheli .
19 This most frequently involved the use of ceilings : banks being told not to allow advances to expand by more than a certain percentage compared with the previous year .
20 The ‘ Schools tor Mothers ’ and ‘ Babies ’ Welcomes ' , set up by volunteers from 1908 onwards , set out to teach women to breast feed their children , so as to avoid the problem of contaminated milk and unhygienic feeding bottles ; to follow a strict feeding schedule ; not to allow dummies ; not to use inflammable flannelette clothing and not to permit the infant to sleep with its parents for fear of suffocating .
21 The Quartermaster General 's staff were instructed not to allow Aden to become another expensive base and hostage to fortune .
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