Example sentences of "not worth [art] " in BNC.

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1 Is it not worth every kopeck ? ’
2 The male contestants , the jury found , were not worth a mention .
3 A determined show of political resistance from Mr Yeltsin and his supporters in other republics might help convince many old-fashioned Russian nationalists that hanging on to the Baltic republics is not worth a fight .
4 ALL THE PAIN THAT MONEY CAN BUY : The Life of Christina Onassis by William Wright Gollancz , £5.99 MANY MIGHT think that Christina Onassis 's 37 years of life , notable only for her four marriages and succession of lovers , is not worth a full-scale biography , certainly not one of almost 400 pages .
5 His Poems , think them all not worth a Straw .
6 The whole of French music is not worth a sou …
7 Cheap reels are not worth a second thought .
8 Solidarity with the Spanish Republic undermined the pacifism of many on the left , and Russell knew that he was swimming against the tide when he urged the friends of peace to ‘ avoid the crusading spirit … in relation to Spain , on the grounds that even the best cause is not worth a great war . ’
9 It is not worth a mention but for the fact its distribution and promotion is funded by our own dear British Film Institute .
10 Not worth a damn , no .
11 So before you decide that you 're not worth a hundred and fifty thousand pound do actually sit down and work it out .
12 She 's not worth a second thought .
13 The love of old men is not worth a lot ,
14 After the inglorious fall of his Government , accompanied as it was by a whole series of faux pas , Ramsay MacDonald 's future , crowed the wiseacres of London , was not worth a single cent .
15 It 's it 's not worth a marriage no more because the C S A and because of people like them sat there that think they know it all .
16 I 've taken all that you 've and to be honest there 's not , there 's not a , it 's not worth a , it 's not worth a light , it 's you , I 'm be getting rid of that straight away !
17 I 've taken all that you 've and to be honest there 's not , there 's not a , it 's not worth a , it 's not worth a light , it 's you , I 'm be getting rid of that straight away !
18 Even heads who do not share this cartel mentality may find that aggressive expansion is not worth the candle .
19 Before 1994 , the suggested date for introducing reforms , it may decide that the change is not worth the political and administrative pain .
20 Spending most of each day in the house , she had no one except Maria to talk to and Maria was not worth the effort .
21 ‘ Without the money to pay for your promises , your manifesto is not worth the paper it is written on , ’ said Mr Lamont .
22 Labour supporters in Bristol had considered canvassing known overseas voters but decided it was not worth the expense .
23 He did not feel that he would want to return to university , so he decided to apply for an unclassed ‘ War Honours ’ degree — ‘ probably not worth the paper it 's written on ’ , but perhaps enough to get him started in some profession , such as colonial service or , possibly , journalism ; he rather liked the idea of becoming a parliamentary correspondent for a newspaper .
24 All the carefully prepared summaries and analyses were not worth the paper they were printed on .
25 This requires a V8 110 Bell housing and first motion shaft fitting to the gearbox , a major strip down , wiring changes , new chassis mounts , hoses , exhaust , etc and so is probably not worth the effort
26 If the mother objects to abortion on moral or religious grounds , the tests are virtually pointless , and certainly not worth the additional risks that they raise .
27 For the first time , a public debate began over whether doctors , in consultation with parents , had the right to terminate life because they believed that the life concerned was not worth the living .
28 The sad thing is such behaviour will only end up getting the poor stalker or ghillie the sack so it 's not worth the trouble .
29 ‘ It 's not worth the fruit and the sugar . ’
30 Not worth the licence fee as Derek says .
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