Example sentences of "not want a " in BNC.

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1 If you do not want a baby , but want your IUD removed , this is best done during a period , and you should immediately start using another method of contraception .
2 Either they do not want to run the risk of miscarriage ( about one in 100-200 ) which the procedure entails ; or they would not want a termination even if the baby was found to be disabled .
3 The party did not want a repeat of the disastrous ‘ Who Governs ? ’ election of 1974 .
4 ‘ I do not want a health service of spot markets and predatory hospitals and product lines .
5 ‘ They do not want a fix but a resolution of the issues , that the Labour Party moves to becoming more democratic and an immediate resolution of the situation on Merseyside .
6 ‘ Or is it the case , as millions now believe , that she does not want a resolution to this dispute ? ’
7 He did not want a classical house , but something cosy and as English as could be .
8 Managers have two good motives to avoid a deal with creditors for as long as they can : they keep their jobs longer , and they work for shareholders , who do not want a deal either .
9 Israel did not want the refugees back under any conditions and Jordan did not want a refugee body acting independently .
10 He had said that he did not want a solicitor when he first arrived at the police station , at 2 p.m .
11 Back at his hotel , packing for his return to London , John wondered how to fit this large acquisition into his luggage , could not think of a way , decided that he did not want a souvenir of the trip anyway because of his gloom about the impending ballet , so tore it up and threw it in the wastepaper basket .
12 Winnie did not want a married couple , and such a minute flat would not be suitable for people with babies or pets .
13 Whitelaw , concerned as ever to be the mediator , strove to find a middle way between Heseltine and those who did not want a penny extra for the cities for fear of being seen to reward rioters .
14 One could take the view , for example , that important constraints on social equality are imposed by the opportunities available in society , regardless of who avails themselves of them , and that we do not want a measure that is insensitive to such constraints .
15 Lord John Russell , who at that time was not a member of Palmerston 's Government , said that he had heard that Panmure did not want a new building for the War Department , and he hoped that :
16 Unless there is a well-trained intelligence to begin with , the continual performance of a single task will reduce the man to the level of a machine … the employer does not want a mere machine …
17 NATO countries say that they do not want a ‘ dual key ’ arrangement , in which an officer from the US and the host country have to turn their keys simultaneously before a weapon can be launched .
18 Older teenagers do not want a mother to be yearning over them day and night , even when several hundred miles lie between them .
19 Walking out on your partner may not be the answer to midlife change and you may not want a divorce , but you are likely to find that you need to update your relationship if the marriage is to be sound and mutually satisfying for another twenty or thirty years .
20 He would not want a nose like that .
21 I want his mates to hear the gospel and besides that Billy would not want a sad funeral , so I think you should preach , Dad . ’
22 From the point of view of security you do not want a door that is all glass , neither do you want a hollow plywood-type door that is easily kicked in .
23 I do not want a president elected or otherwise .
24 But Coppell does not want a public slanging match , saying : ‘ People do n't know what the relationship is like , and it would be incorrect of me to say anything else .
25 We certainly do not want a winter without any cricket . ’
26 Instinctively , she understood that Ceauşescu would not want a standard architect 's model made from cheap materials with only general hints at the building 's style and decoration .
27 She still did not want a baby , but she knew how much she did want and need her husband .
28 ‘ Yet you did not want a child in this marriage ? ’
29 We definitely do not want a Ferguson or a Philips .
30 While it may be pleasant to have a young exuberant puppy bounding out to greet you with great enthusiasm , you do not want a large adult dog behaving in a similar fashion , leaping up and bowling people onto the floor .
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