Example sentences of "not the intention " in BNC.

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1 The abandonment yesterday of unilateral nuclear disarmament ( although not the intention of abandoning Britain 's nuclear deterrent at the earliest opportunity while other countries keep theirs ) was done in the same spirit of moralism which had gone into the banning of the Bomb .
2 In all cases drunkenness may be material as showing that the accused had not the intention which forms part of the essence of the crime charged .
3 It is not the intention of this brief essay to give a comprehensive history of these ideas and their development in Christianity .
4 It is not the intention of this book to discuss in any detail the shifting politics of the Catholic population .
5 If it is not the intention to update shipping serviced to maintain land-bridge services then the establishment of a sea-bridge to Europe must be earnestly considered .
6 The basis for all these conclusions seems to be that because there are bad comprehensive schools the system must be abandoned ( and if this is not the intention it is likely to be the secondary education for all , which led to the establishment of comprehensive schools in the first place , has , it seems , to be given up in favour of ‘ good ’ education for some and ‘ bad ’ for others , the ‘ good ’ now being variously identified with the rigorous , the vocational , and the wealth-producing .
7 At this stage it was not the intention to explore the real world on the basis of the model , but to use the model as a starting point for further development , and the analysts concentrated on specifying the transformation required , without too much concern about the system ownership , actors , etc .
8 Although the analysis was of necessity extensive , it was not the intention of the study to explore each activity in detail to determine where procedural or other changes were required , but to provide the basis for reviewing existing structures , particularly those related to non-teaching staff .
9 At this point the government would find itself sliding toward selling off the whole of the National Weather Service , something which is surely not the intention .
10 It is not the intention to rehearse here the history of the evolution of an inner city problem from an academic vogue of the 1960s and 1970s , to part of the vocabulary of common sense understandings of contemporary urban life , to a major and recurrent item on the political agenda of two nations ( for such information see Barnekov , Boyle and Rich , 1989 ; Peterson , 1985 ; Robson , 1988 ; Sills , Taylor and Golding , 1988 ) .
11 It is not the intention here to go into great detail on the subject of nutrition , but rather to give a simple guide that may be useful to those who want to make sure that the elderly parent in their care is being properly nourished .
12 The reason Jesus used parables can not be to hide the truth from people because this is not the intention of teaching and it seems out of character with what we learn about Jesus elsewhere in the Gospel .
13 We repeat that it is not the intention to advocate a standard curriculum for all secondary schools to the age of 16 , not least because that would be educationally naive .
14 The two-stage compiler raises the intriguing possibility of gaining a direct C interface into Pick , but the company is adamant that the use of C rather than Flash Basic would be not only difficult , but also really naughty : ‘ that is not the intention ’ said one company official , adding ‘ we only mention the C interim step so that people can understand what is going on ’ — at least until , version 6.1 — of which , more later .
15 That would be ill advised and , I am sure , is not the intention of the NCB .
16 It is certainly not the intention of the black community to undermine the good work being done by current transracial adopters and foster-parents , who have opened their homes to black children .
17 There is a considerable number of textbooks which provide a run-through of positivist research findings and theories and it is not the intention to attempt yet another one here .
18 This proposal to establish a council which would in effect supervise the government of the realm while the king was overseas was the clearest echo of the Ordinances , though with the crucial difference that it was to function only as long as the king was out of the realm : it was not the intention of the commons to subject the king permanently to conciliar restraint .
19 It is not the intention of this exhibition to shock , but to illuminate .
20 This was not the intention : the underlying hint of nostalgia and pride is evident in the film 's dedication to the American servicemen who died there .
21 On this second approach , the refutation of scepticism is not the intention , and need not be the result , of a successful epistemology .
22 A will apparently has the function of bequeathing but it might also be intended to please or to repudiate — and to a historian , though that was not the intention , it may function as information .
23 It is not the intention of this chapter to provide general guidance on detailed auditing techniques , for this readers should refer to specialist text books .
24 It is not the intention here to discuss the controversies or to review the literature .
25 While ministers quite correctly point out that the act requires local consultation , it was surely not the intention of parliament that water undertakers should have such an absolute veto .
26 It is not the intention here to detail a course blueprint , partly because such prescriptiveness would stand in contradiction to the learner-centred tenet of primary practice , and partly because stimulating and informed models have been presented elsewhere for discussion ( Bullock , 1975 ; Hawkins , 1984 ; Sinclair , 1982 ) .
27 It is not the intention of the Institute to penalise those who do not pay by direct debit , but rather to reward those who elect to pay by this means .
28 It is not the intention in this paper to examine critically the rhetoric and ideology which may be behind the government 's inclusion of these principles within its legislation .
29 It is really impossible to see how something could be ‘ held with ’ an intention which is not the intention of the holder .
30 It is not the intention of this book to examine towns , but from the ninth century onwards , trade and commerce and the associated industrial and craft activities increasingly took place in or were controlled by towns .
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